Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Trip - Fort Serapong

Hi Blog,

On the last day of my two days of medical leave, I decided to go for an exploration. Where am I planning to go? Yes! Mrs R introduced to me a special place at Sentosa which was Fort Serapong.

Today weather seemed okay. Hope it won't rain heavily.
Why did I want to explore such a location, which you might ask? When you think of Sentosa, you will name a few tourist attractions, but to me, those are just meh. The place where I visited, is one of the raw and hidden gems, untouched and might be gone in future; who knows. Personally, I just wanted to visit before it was gone.

My toes condition got better and it was perfect to celebrate it :)
With a simple hike.
than staying at home, resting and gaining weight... I am already fat so best to continue to do something.
And since it was on weekday, the crowds will be greatly reduced.
The sky started to get gloomy. Anyway, if you plan to visit Fort Serapong and don't have the confidence to, please bring someone who is good in direction.
A first wefie moment with this sign.
let's study the map of Sentosa. hmmm... based on what Mrs R had given me...
Start from here then walk here and here and then end here. That is not far! Let's Go!
Before I started, snapped a couple of reflection shots... too bad, I went alone, if not, It will be a good angle.
Two sides of the sky right now
Hmmm... something wrong afar... It seemed like rain pouring.
Oh please Miss Sky, can shower elsewhere? :D
Or does Miss Sky just want a photo together?
OopS! Miss Sky! I asked you for a photo...
But keep raining aside! LOL!
I guess I will let Miss Sky shower the land a while and it will be over sooner.
I can't believe this is my first time knowing/walking through the tunnel and I love the low light which created a great photo.
Oooo! I was at another side of the bridge (vehicle entrance to Sentosa)
What a beautiful, simple and quiet park
After a heavy short shower, walking here was rather well taken care of under the mercy of Miss Sky. Thank you Miss Sky.
Wanted to take pictures here but not easy to take alone especially so many vehicles driving pass this roundabout.
I can only present like serving on my palm. Welcome to Sentosa!
Are you joking with me, Miss Sky? Going to start raining again?
I still have a long way to go... without a shelter
So now you decided to shine again?
Anyway, you will come a split road, you may take the left road. But if you missed this and walked onto the right lane, you will still get to the destination.
For me, the only hint is to stick to the lane where you can see the satellite dish, you will find that place.
Amazing structure
of human invention and technology
As mentioned, walked along the lane where you can see the satellite dish
Then you will find this entrance - Serapong Hill Road
This sign is there for no joke, I had visited this site and now while drafting my post, this sign is to remind any visitors that enter at their own risk. Sentosa will not hold any responsibility for your injuries in there.
Here is some write-up about Mount Serapong Battery. It looks like Sentosa is actually preserving this place for a tour for any interested party.
A long up slope but not as steep as Bukit Timah and longer than upper Peirce.
Here I am! Fort Serapong! Finally got to clear my checklist.
An overall map over Fort Serapong
First stop - Former Gun No. 2 Shelter
Let me show you around
Collapsed structure in this site is one of the most dangerous sites to visit. Be aware of this place.
Wow, I wanted to go down and explore this place but there is no other way to get down there besides rope-down.
Check out this place, it seems like it will collapse further
Unknown space
A space within but the collapsed structure created a sense of pressure...
Looks like a roof opening but it is a window opening from the collapsed structure
Better stay away from this place.
Pitch black... Scary

Perfect circle gunner zone - Former 6 Inch Gun No.2
Arrowhead worm spotted!
I can't imagine how the soldiers handle the gunner in the past.
The ruins are just beautiful in their own way
A building beside the gunner
I wondered what are inside these rooms
More detail about the place
One of the iconic areas in Fort Serapong - Former Kitchen.
Love the long growing money plants
I wished I could get in and have a good look
I guess I will have to look elsewhere

Former Bathroom
Inside there, even those it was filled with debits, if it was cleaned up, this bathroom will retain its original form.
1936... Is it the year that this bathroom was built?
Hmmm... A stair up...
Don't know what is this...
Yes, there are some more inside there
Let's check what is inside
There are a lot of Saga seeds on the ground
Interesting site here :) Love this place
Here is Former 9.2" Gun No. 2 Trench and now it is consumed by Nature. I will want to enter but I will leave our good friends undisturbed.
I made another turn to find the special icon on the map - Granite Hill
Beautiful and truly granite hill and hope I can take more here. I wondered why this granite hill looks unnatural... Because I suspected underneath this hill is labyrinth of their ammunition.
Former 9.2" Gun No. 1
The bunker and gunner are just located side by side
Bunker - Quite well preserved I must say
Is this the toilet? AND OH MY GOD! MOSQUITOES!!!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!
A bunker which is going to be consumed by nature
It seemed like inside is still safe
The path here seemed like walking onto of a structure...
The famous casemate of Fort Serapong
I wanted to enter there but I was stopped... It seemed like I should not enter.
Mostly empty rooms of the casemate, which openings for guns or missiles could be fired or like rooms for soldiers to host their meetings.
Still well preserved
ouch. Even though it was an empty room but the mosquito-residents are thirsty for blood and you can feel their bites. Painful!
I guess it is time to go back
Last few shots before I became an unwanted blood donator
The building in the past, forgotten but still holding onto its memories
what a nice place to explore. Uniquely Singapore.
I am glad that I came here to witness the remains and hope no one gets hurt here.
Besides carrying these big red kiss bites home
I doubt I will visit this place again especially the dark corners and interior where the gems are. I will leave it to professional. You can check on this link from Finbarr Fallon and other Youtubers who have bigger balls.

Love this video and I think I missed out one more places. Hope I will cover that if got chance.

Nice! Someone made a video of what is inside. So Exciting :3


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