Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Product - Making a Magnetic Shield Harness

Hi Blog,

I have a mini project for myself that took me months to prepare, research, and decide to put my fat axx to work on it.

On 15th Mar 2021, I travelled all the way down to this factory building.
Because I wanted to build a wearable Captain America shield onto the harness which I got in Feb 2021.

Check out this video to understand what I was planning to do.
Honestly, this was my first time visiting this area. I won't even step my foot without any good reason.
I tried to source out a shop that sells strong magnets and only this company replied to me through email.
After a few exchanges of quick email replies, I was asked to come down to visit Pantech Business Hub where the store is located. 
Liftontech Supreme Ptd Ltd - 196 Pandan Loop, #02-11 Pantech Business Hub, Singapore 128384
Believe me, I won't have the balls to step into this office without invitation. LOL! But at least, they seem welcoming.
There was this friendly approachable staff, Mr Fi, trying to understand my purpose of getting a couple of strong magnets. He tried his best to handle my request patiently and personally, I felt like I was treated like a friend than a customer. Thanks for the drink by the way.
Oh my! They have all kinds of magnets! Any size and shape, and vary in strength too.
Mr Fi inspected my harness and tried to find the right strong magnets and screws to secure it on the harness. Mr Fi also explained how strong those magnets are. Kind of dangerous especially when those two magnets are attracted to one another.
Mr Fi worried that the screws do not do a proper job, he suggested this glue which I can't get it anywhere else...
I purchased two magnets and Mr Fi packed them nicely and wished me luck.
On the 19th Mar 2021, I bought this Cap costume. Hmmm... okay... Not satisfying... Oh well... wasted money... I don't like the chest star and the white parts are not detail-designed/incompleted...
On 5th Sep 2021, finally, I finally decided to find an epoxy fix... there are many of them in the market... So I needed to decide on one and I purchased this one which gave me the idea that it could be trusted. (Take note of why I said these because I bought a different brand which claimed the strongest epoxy fix but it DOESN'T STICK AT ALL!!!!!)
As long as it is Selleys brand, it can be trusted!
Squeeze around the same amount from the two tubes and mix them together until the colours are blended well.
My elder brother was also trying to assist in glueing the magnet onto the harness.
For the remaining mix, I decided to use it on...
My spoiled favourite shoes. Thank goodness, it works!
Yes! It sticks well! Even though it looks awful but at least, I can still continue to wear these glow-in-the-dark shoes.
Weeks later, I decided to finish this up, this time on the shield.
Hope it worked... carefully, mixing the mixture.
Not sure whether should I use the metal plate or the actual magnet... I was worried the actual magnet might be too strong and struck when it attracted.
Decided not to risk it, so I will use this metal plate
Glued horribly
Hope it worked!
The moment of truth...
OOOO! It worked but... not strong enough... If I jumped/moved slightly, the shield would drop.
On top of that... It was too low...
I tried the actual magnet (no choice)...
But... Due to the curvy of the shield... before it can dry up, the heavy magnet slides away... Now it looks like shxt...
Let's give it a try and IT WORKS!!!!!
YES! It sticks! Cool looking!
But... after a few times of playing with it... The magnet deals further damage to the shield... I guess I will have to get some "foam" from Daiso to stick on the back of the shield.
Trying to dress up and see how I look... I think I really need some help to dress up as it is difficult to dress up.
Spending money for the suit (link) and shield with some alternation (link) Now, it looks "perfect".
Trying to look cool and confident in the suit. Sadly... I don't have the aesthetic elements - lack of height and body build, and my stupid ugly Asian face can't complement the Cap suit...
Anyway, most importantly, I am glad that I tried to be my dream character and honour Cap's spirit in my daily life, just like Spiderman.
I guess I will make a mixture of Spiderman + Captain costume posts in future. :)


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