Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Blog - June Update

Hi Blog,

Covid Heightened Alert will last until the second week of June, many parks or places have been restricted. Good and bad but it is definitely the only way to live on.

Struck on the web - either you can free yourself in time or struggle until eaten by a spider.
May I had been actively updated my monthly post. Perhaps June will be slightly relaxed and chilled. let's start our June post with a trisuit theme completion because May does not have one.

3rd June 2021 - Trisuit theme #48
(Clcik here to view more)

4th Jun 2021 - Woke up with a stiff neck... painful neck but I still wanted to go for a short jog. I started in the morning despite I needed to work from home. BUT just when I was about to start for 20secs, Miss Sky decided to give me a rainfall and marked it my SHORTEST jog for all time. Then I decided to go for a jog during the evening time, and it was a wrong move... My stiff neck slowed me down.

5th June 2021 - Full Servicing and Tubeless Conversion
(Click here to read more)

6th Jun 2021 - Not Moving to Next Level
(Click here to read more)

8th Jun 2021 - Yippee! I took my waifu out to work, riding light even though my speed doesn't seem any different but it is a breeze. Like working during the school holiday and CB heighten alert, I had the whole office to myself! XD

9th Jun 2021 - Trying to cycle my tubeless waifu for the 2nd time. My experience with Tubeless fatty - Resistance is reduced and improve on the speed like 20% but still depending on our own engine to generate power. So to think that fatty can has good speed is day-dreamer. Well, for me I will change our cycling expectation to having some joy in cycling.

10th Jun 2021 - Today my stiff neck got better so I shall go for a jog. :) and cleared some of Trisuit theme.

11th Jun 2021 - INFJ Sharing Secrets with Others
(Click here to read more)

12th Jun 2021 - Wah! One of longest hike that I did with Mr Tan. Wanted to visit the light house from the north but it was closed. In general, it was a great hike!

13th Jun 2021 - Oh dear... My 2nd Ridleyi showed sign of gving up... and yes... it was gone... I am a failure... It is in my gene... so sorry... my ridleyi... I failed to grow you...

14th Jun 2021 - Tron riding with my waifu was bliss. :) Nice riding feeling ever!

15th Jun 2021 - Oh dear... I started to feel a drag from my waifu while riding to my workplace in the morning then noticed the sealant burp out from my rear tire... I had to try to pump some air at the petrol station and late for work. And After work, I pushed my waifu to see Kylene again. Lucky, he knew how to resolve this. I will let my waifu stayed with Kylene for a night for inspection.

16th Jun 2021 - YES! My Waifu was back! Kylene told me that it is burping when I rode, there was a gash of air come in from the outside which causing the big leaks and he suspected the rear tire doesn't stick well to the rim bead, and will put more ultra sticky rim tape for this repair but it will mean it will be tough to remove the tires... might even spoil the tires in the next repair. I guess I need to scout for spare tires.

17th Jun 2021 - Explored Lazarus Unexplored
(Click here to read more)

18th Jun 2021 - I found an active growing fungi in my pitcher plant pot where I put in a few fake red mushrooms. I guess the soil here is so rich that it can have mushrooms.

19th Jun 2021 - Today morning, I took my waifu for a ride to buy some stuff on carousel and brought back one of the weird and unusual plant - Lecanopteris Crustacea aka Ant Plant. I want to provide a shelter for my ant-friends so that they can enjoy their stay here with my pitcher plants. Do you like it?

21st Jun 2021 - Two Ferries Companies Comparison
(Click here to read more)

22nd Jun 2021 - Never tried to jog from residential town to town because I jogged to collect my new nep XD! Hope It will grow. I will make one post for my plants next time.

23rd Jun 2021 - Perfect Sun and heat for suntanning. Oh man. If can just lay down here and tan, it will be great.

26th Jun 2021 - With the failure and death of my Ridleyi, My Holttumii started to give me a new shield for a boost of encouragement and I gave myself another chance to grow a Ridleyi hybrid - Kitstakood (cross of Ridleyi and Coronarium) I hope it will survive.

30th Jun 2021 - Today evening weather was perfect for a good swim. I just swam without worrying of anything. What a great way to end June 2021.


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