Sunday, September 5, 2021

Cycling - Ulu Ride

Good Morning Blog,

Yawning... This was early... 500am... After my mother and I had some big arguement which ended like 1+... At least, it ended at peaceful note.

Wy and I decided to visit one place
To catch sun rise at one popular spot. It will be a short post, so... lets ride!

Waiting for Wy and lucky we were early. We were planning to cycle to Ulu Sembawang.
Here is a short path but with some interesting route. Reason for visiting this place is because we wanted to capture some beautiful sunrise there.
(Image credit to Chee Siong Lim and Mothership article) Just check out such Epic sunrise and beautiful dew! Lets go!
Just in time! Beautiful sunrise and dew!
But behind me... we were not alone... I forgot... it was weekend... It was flooded with crowds.
I had to step forwards away from the crowd trying to take some pictures.
Wy just posed having a fast breakfast
(Thanks Wy for helping) Difficult to decide to take Mr Sun or Mr Nerd here... Winner goes to... Mr Sun. Don't spoil the beautiful scenery with my ugly face.
(Thanks Wy for helping) Have another round of clicking the Mr Sun or me for comparison... yeah, Mr Sun yes. :)
If I clicked on the foreground, the sky will look wash off.
The dew can't last long as Mr Sun started to warm up the sky... but still filled with visitors...
I guessed... best is to visit this place during weekday - lesser crowd. I will do so next time.


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