Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Blog - August Update

Hi Blog,

10 years of blogging since 2010, writing my thoughts and share my experience to space. My blog got personal and repetitive dull, but it is how my life is. Writing is just a way to keep my mind checked.

August monthly update :)
who knows one fine day I might stop blogging, actually won't have any effect on anyone. Right?

1st Aug 2021 - Tuas TV World
(Click here to read more)

3rd Aug 2021 - My expensive Philodendron Maximum doesn't seem to do good.. Started to have some yellow edge... its root seemed healthy even though the soil media seemed moist - I guessed I will not water that often and let it grows. Hope it will continue to grow.

6th Aug 2021 - Having a mini celebration for Singapore 56th birthday together (with social distancing apart) in our red attire.

8th Aug 2021 - 08 08 Date
(Click here to read more)

11th Aug 2021 - Finally got a chance to go for a jog to kickstart Aug jogging. I was just too lazy these days... Need some stretching and purchase some stuff in Daiso. I just walked in like this and no one bothered. Hahaha! Not good looking and being weird are just repulsive to register. Hahaha!

12th Aug 2021 - Finally got to swim today. Yes, untoned, ugly and short nerd just WANT to SWIM! Can't be bothered by those good swimmers here - Some just stared at them with admiration but they stared at me with disgust. Fat of my life.

13th Aug 2021 - First time setting up photo booth with whatever equipment my workplace has, for teachers' day gift for all staff - asking them to pose for a photo printout. I tried two cameras - DSLR and phone. DSLR can show every imperfection of my ugly face clearly when viewed on the computer but if we used our own phone will help to smooth my soul nicely. With my photoshop skill, I just combined my ideal pose and okay-face together. What do you think?

14th Aug 2021 - Finally had a chance to sit down and played my PS4... But I could not play long and went to sleep because... Tomorrow morning I need to wake up early...

15th Aug 2021 - Wake Mr Sun Up
(click here to read more)

17th Aug 2021 - Thanks Uncle J for inviting me to the pool again and testing out my new underwater casing to upgrade my camera. Even though it was just a short cold swim because of the evening rain and trying his best to help me to snap a few pictures. At least the underwater casing works well. :) I feel safe now using my camera in the water.

19th Aug 2021 - I thought Safra will be closed due to cluster spread but it seemed like it didn't. So close to them and hope no more spreading; just like my fat.

20th Aug 2021 - Cold weather to be in the computer lab while I was teaching. Thanks to one of the teachers who kindly took this shot while I can keep it as a memory.

21st Aug 2021 - Wanted to do something on Saturday... but I got too lazy and unmotivated... So need to push myself to do something, I went to tidy my plants and admired the strong growth. Knowing that they are growing well, calm down myself. My corridor garden is messy but in its natural way. Thanks Miss Pigeon for visiting my garden.

22nd Aug 2021 - Cannot resist this beautiful plant - Begonia Iron Cross. Love its highly contrasted thick hairy leaf. I can't stop molesting its leaf.

23rd Aug 2021 - Feeling meh... Besides rainy weather these days damping the ground (dislike muddy ground), the main problem was that I feel unmotivated... Maybe triggered by my past? Emotional over something? Having unaware expectations? Oh well... Just feeling meh...

24th Aug 2021 - Got Scammed Experience
(Click here to read more)

25th Aug 2021 - Totally no motivation to jog but I forced myself to. These days were raining heavily but today no rain, I should not be emo... Mr Sun and Miss Sky invited me for the jog, I shall go!

26th Aug 2021 - Feeling blue... Just keep on swimming. I can't waste my time on something which I can't do any change to, besides feeling fat, I can't change my stupidity in my scammed situation... Just added salts to my wound.

27th Aug 2021 - Finally, today I got some good news from my scam situation. At least my money side was settled. Today jog was so lifted.

28th Aug 2021 - Complex Self
(Click here to read more)

29th Aug 2021 - My Spider-Camera
(Click here to read more)

30th Aug 2021 - WOW! Today my colleague ordered the vegetarian sushi platter from Saute-San! My first time having to eat from a platter! Eat until my stomach was going to explode and also went for a short slow jog with ZN. Too bloated and What a day!

31st Aug 2021 - Feeling great to have the teacher snapping my lesson for memory. For me, every lesson with them is priceless which made me feel that I can contribute some value to their lives which they won't remember. It is not about whether they will remember ME or not, it is about sowing seeds each of them and watching them to sprout. Unsung hero which I wish to be.

Phew... What an August... so Happening


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