Monday, June 21, 2021

Trip - Two Ferries Companies Comparison

Good Morning Blog,

Today was my last day of leave for 2020 (carried forward). Supposed to go for an island trip with Alvmax (as he always wanted to go, but when I managed to arrange a time to go, he can't go anymore because his granny passed away.) and since he can't make it and Jamster claimed he can make it. So will spend with him on that island trip (link) but...

Today weather seemed good despite had been raining for the past two days.
he was tired as he just started working. I guessed I will go on this island trip on my own...

Oh well... I am used to it. I shall go alone.
Meow. Good morning. I think I shall get some breakfast for myself.
At least, Mr Sun and Miss Sky came on this trip with me.
Just spent some me-time today
Hmmm... Marine South Pier seemed peaceful today... Today Island will have lesser visitors?
Usually, I will purchase my ticket from Singapore Island Cruise because of Gong Cha, today I will give Marina South Ferries a try.
Comparison the timing (Weekday) between the two ferry companies. It seemed like there are pros and cons. For Singapore Island Cruise - they focus on covering all islands (exclude Sisters' Island) within a day. As for Marina South Ferries - They only have one option either going to ST John or Kusu Island with a wider range of returning timings. Oh well, let's try Marine South Ferries then review later.
I heard that there is no more cat on ST John... This cat might be from the Island and find itself living at Marine South Pier peacefully.
Today seemed like... the first queue at early timing... I had a bad feeling about this...
Trying to use some effect to make it looked like a miniature landscape
Did I do it well?
Anyway... My first review of the two ferries depart-timing are different despite each of them stated will leave by 10am. Singapore Island Cruise ferry tends to sail off earlier like 945am then follow by another ferry for another batch of visitors depending on the crowd. As Marina South Ferries will sail off on time.
Oh dear... I will miss out the ideal shelter because Singapore Island Cruise ferry sailed off first then Marina South ferry took its own sweet time. I can't blame them and not cost-saving when their ferry is not filled if they want to sail off earlier...
Oh well... feeling regretful but at least, this was a good experience and balanced comparison.
When I landed at the harbour... Oh my! Look at the bridge direction, there are families/groups heading towards the beach!
I jogged to get ahead of them.
Yes, Mr Sun? Alright, I should just let the shelter go. It should be taken already.
If it is mine, it will still be empty. If not, it will be taken in any way.
Alright. Mr Sun. I will just chill.
And headed to beautiful beach
Bye bye Ferry. I will see this Marina South ferry by 1pm. If I purchased from Singapore Island Cruise, I will get onto the ferry by 245pm. Will difference in timing affect the overall experience?
Walking towards the shelter and wondering... After a few minutes later, I arrived to that shelter and what do you know...
But the crowds were slowly increasing...
I saw some of them started to walk in my direction and I just tried to guard this shelter. Most of them found out the shelter was taken, they moved out and setup their picnic mat on the greenery.
Time to go for a sun tan!
But... The crowds started to flood in... I don't feel safe to leave my bag by the shelter surrounded by people and have to walk pass a few demi-gods and goddesses...
My inferior complex started to kick in and I just walked away from the shelter... I just felt lousy with myself... I can hear imaginative laughter and giggle in my ears... I guessed... the "ghosts" got me now...
I read somewhere about INFJ on such a similar issue - INFJs tend to be so preoccupied with other people's feelings and forget to check in with their own needs. I guess... the reason why I feel lousy because I made other people's eyesore... unpleasant to their eyes... disgust their beautiful beach experience... And today... too many people I got preoccupied with.
Oh well... Thanks Mr Sun, I will do what I need to do today - Suntan. So I applied some new moisture and get ready.
Suntan at a rocky area. Hot and not satisfying suntanning location but it was the best of the worst choice I had made or even thought of, like leaving the island immediately...
Oh well... I just suntanned and heck cared while the shelter took over by visitors.
After an hour... The rocky ground, ants, people chit-chatting in the shelter and time-limited... I packed up and left the spot. Glad to see couples and family having fun here. :)
Honestly, I decided to mark this trip as my last entry to this secret place.
I will have a last look around
I will miss this place.
Have my last few shots here. Goodbye, my secret place. I have to leave so soon...because I left not much time as the ferry will be arriving... Hope you will be safe away from any more visitors.
Since I won't be able to visit Kusu so I need to have a good bath here
Lucky no one around here. Weird... I don't feel that I have enough tan...
I believe it is because of this Moist Gel. It is quite thick when it "dried up". I don't feel much heat on my body. I will give it another try in my next visit if I can have a proper suntan, enough timing and a lesser crowd.
Hmmm... The ferry had arrived.
One of my shortest stay on this island...
Don't know why I feel a bit disappointed...
perhaps empty...
I guessed it is alright. Morning, first hit by demi gods and goddesses... and second was the short stay.
High tide was returning to its peak. I wanted to stay...
Time to go.
I will accept what it is and move on.
Spent some time to review the two ferry service providers topic.
let my feeling on the island and adjust myself :)
Empty train and what a day
Third disappointment - I don't feel I have enough tan. LOL!
Spent some time tanning here.
I am crazy... Time to go back now.
For weekday, If you want to stay for a longer timing and visit every island - go for Singapore Island Cruise (SIC)
If you just want to stay for a longer timing but only want to visit one island - go for Marina South Ferries (MSF) and SIC
If you want to stay for a short while and visit every island - go for SIC
If you want to stay for a short while and only one island - go for MSF


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