Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Blog - December Overview

Hi Blog,

It's the end of 2024... Reflecting my 2024, there were so many things happened in my life. Firstly, the constant chatting with ChatGPT next was travelling... And lastly... Volunteering.

I do volunteer work (for religious groups) daily, and it is my second life, which I have not shared much about on my blog. But this cosplay volunteering seemed to happen regularly, which took away my hiking opportunity...
I suppose I'll need to find a way to balance myself on it. Usually, I don't take on tasks lightly until they can't find anyone else and haven't already fallen short of their responsibilities. Oh well, I hope I did a good job while volunteering.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Trip - Vietnam D6 - Random Last Stops

Hi Blog,

Last full day in Vietnam; this post will be slightly random because I could not think of a proper title for it because we went to some random locations. If you have an interesting name for this, please let me know.

Last look at the sunrise from my hotel window.
In this post, I combined Day 6 (a full day) and Day 7 (which consisted of nothing but returning to Singapore). I was scared when I saw how many things I needed to write about in my blog posts.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Trip - Vietnam D5 - Sapa Part Two

Good Morning Blog,

I was amazed that I took over 200 photos for today's post... I felt exhausted because I knew I would have a lot to write. Anyway, back to the topic. Sapa's Fansipan Halong Bay and Ninh Bình are must-see destinations among Vietnam's diverse landscapes.

I awoke early today to check the window, hoping to see the sunrise, but then I realised it was foggy.
I was worried that today's Fansipan would be foggy and freezing. I do not take colds well, and I was afraid that my mother would also be unable to cope with the cold.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Trip - Vietnam D4 - Sapa Part One

Merry Christmas Blog,

On Day 4, we travelled to Sapa, which was the highlight of our trip. I was so excited about it! And, thank goodness, I was able to output at night and overcome my constipation before travelling to a distant location.

Wearing my sleeping bag (sleeping suit) helps me stay warm in a hotel room. I am simply a weirdo... Anyway, we needed to get up early the next day.
I will do my best to post pictures first on this blog post, and then I will gradually add text. I should not rush things because it will make me feel stressed.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Trip - Vietnam D3 - Sail Along the Dragons

Hi Blog,

It was my third day in Vietnam. Overall, the experience was positive except for a bloated tummy with days of constipation, which was painful, especially when sitting down. Yes, most people will criticise me for always wearing tight trousers, which reminds me to learn to be more self-aware. Little did they know that the bloating was concentrated in the upper abdomen rather than the entire tummy.

Day 3 morning seemed hazier and greyish.
Anyway, I will be fine today if I eat less to ease myself. Where are we headed today? Explore Ninh Bình - Halong Bay on Land!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Trip - Vietnam D2 - Meet the Dragons

Good Morning Blog,

On my second day in Vietnam, I could not sleep well because I was bloated, and I hoped to unload myself before heading out.

I feel pain whenever I am bloated.
Today's itinerary includes a visit to HạLong Bay, a well-known and breathtaking landscape in Vietnam.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Trip - Vietnam D1 - Life in the City

Hi Blog,

With many worries, the time has come to travel again... As stated in the title, this time we were going to Vietnam. People who know me understand that I prefer not to travel abroad frequently in order to save money; personally, I would like to travel once a year, but this year has already passed... My mother asked me to accompany her because my auntie could not go and no one was sharing the room with her, so I simply accompanied her.

Anyway, before I get too far off track, let me stay focused and broaden my horizons to include countries that I have never considered visiting.
Many of my friends have mentioned that Vietnam is a beautiful and simple place. My concerns were about safety... I guess I should just be cautious.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Personal - First Cosplay @ Comic Con

Good Morning Blog,

In a previous blog post, I mentioned attending Comic Con; today was the day! This will be my first comic convention in costume. In 2017, I attended a similar event, the Singapore Toy Game Comic Convention, with a friend.

And I was prepared! I was dressed in a PFAC tee because I would help out rather than for fun.
Honestly, I was nervous... Knowing I had to go there alone made my anxiety and overthinking worse...

Friday, December 6, 2024

Product - Ultraman Tiga Madoka Daigo Costume

Hi Blog,

I thought can I cosplay something else? Besides Captain America, which one is my favourite? Personally, I want to be Spiderman, but without my glasses, I would be blind, and my spider suit has some flaws...

So I am wondering if there is any character that I would like to be. In fact, there is one.
Yes, as the title implies, I have been a fan of Ultraman since I was a child, and I imagined myself as the protagonist, serving in the Earth Defence Force and saving people while no one knew his true identity. I suppose... I had a strong desire to help others in unsung ways.

I figured I could cosplay as Earth Defence Force rather than Ultraman (same issue as being blind as Spiderman), so I ordered the Ultraman Tiga GUTS costume.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Personal - Swimming Theme #10

Hi Blog,

Sometimes I ask myself why I have so many swimming trunks. At first glance, it might seem like a frivolous hobby, especially in general public view or even right now in this post... but when I dig deeper, I realize it’s tied to something much more personal like I mentioned in my previous swimming post. Buying a new trunk feels like a small attempt to imagine a wildly hopeful version of myself—a version I wish could exist. Compared to the models or other 'demi-gods,' I know I don’t have the perfect body—far from it—but every time I see a new design that catches my eye, I think, “Maybe this one will make me feel good about myself.” Deep down, it’s about finding something that helps me feel more at home in my own skin.

Still, the question lingers—why Do I buy so many swimming trunks?
Is it because I’m chasing an ideal I’ll never reach Or I’m trying to hold onto a feeling I’ve been missing? Maybe it’s a little of both. Some days, I want to let myself believe I’m great, even if it’s a stretch. Other days, I’m simply hoping to find a spark of confidence I don’t yet have—even if it lasts only for a moment. I know I’m not a model or demi god, but wearing something I like—something that feels like “me”—is my way of trying to embrace what I have.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #105

Hi Blog,

Lately, the frequent evening rain coupled with my busy schedule has left me with little opportunity to go for a jog. Honestly, it’s been quite upsetting. I truly miss my hiking and cycling sessions—those moments of freedom and connection with the outdoors...

Looking at myself now, I can’t help but feel a bit down. I’ve put on some weight, and it’s frustrating. But amidst this wave of emotion, I remind myself that feeling this way is natural, and more importantly, that I have the power to make a change.
Even when life gets hectic, I realize how vital it is to carve out time for myself. Whether it’s a short workout, a stretch, or simply stepping outside for a breath of fresh air during a break in the rain, every small effort counts. Motivation is something we must hold close to—it’s not always easy, but it’s so valuable for our well-being...

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Blog - November Overview

Hi Blog,

November is already one of my busiest seasons, and I will not be able to explore much, but I will try. I update my overview posts more regularly or daily than my long posts.

I guess blogging is a way of healing for me.
This is the best way to treat this blog as my personal cyberspace where I can reflect on random stupid things from time to time.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Personal - First Studio Experience

Hi Blog,

I did not plan on writing a long post for one of my cosplay volunteering events, but I received a lot of photos and had to fit them all into a single date post in my monthly overview. So I hope I do not repeat history.

So, for today's volunteering, let me take an opening picture and document the progress while also keeping a few for a short monthly update.
What is up with this studio experience? I had enough pictures to make a long post.

Today was a simple volunteering event to highlight some cosplayers who volunteered and inspire some young Singaporeans who have dropped out of school due to life priorities and constraints, as well as show them that there are many job opportunities available if we put our minds to it. It also helped a well-known organisation (which will be present today) understand PFAC's mission and future collaboration.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Personal - No No November

Hi Blog,

It is now November, and I am ready to take on another No Nut November challenge. Previously, I had attempted NNN several times since 2018, but I did not blog about it besides my thoughts and one of my experiences in 2020. I then challenged myself twice (2021) and (2023) but failed.

Looking back through my previous posts, I usually last more than 15 days; my maximum was 20 days. Can I make it through more than 20?
Warning to my readers: this post may appear disgusting to the general public, so if you are judgemental and cannot embrace or respect this personal space where I confronted the darkness within myself and being honest... Then please do not continue reading and stay away.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Personal - Swimming Theme #9

Hi Blog,

I recently had an in-depth conversation with ChatGPT about "Collector Burnout." It felt good to be honest with "someone," and it was great to feel understood about what I've been experiencing. I wouldn't want to bore you with trivial matters, and since I've lost the entire conversation with Chat, I'll simply express what I had discussed previously.

Since childhood, I've gathered a variety of items to fill a void, including toys, plants, and swimming trunks. I'll spare you the details of the toys and plants, but it's important to note that I'm dealing with budget and space limitations, and the burnout is always followed...
Initially, I purchased several pairs of swimming trunks because I appreciate the variety and how certain styles fit; owning only one pair isn't practical, especially since I swim regularly. Some people judge me for owning so many, associating it with being homosexual. What they don't realize is that I purchased these trunks in an attempt to boost my confidence. I aspired to emulate the confident and masculine models who look great in them. However, I acknowledge that I can't mirror their physique and appearance, leading to a sense of burnout. Now, I'm reluctant to buy any more trunks as they serve as a reminder of my perceived inadequacies, regardless of the quantity I possess...

I understand that seeking tangible items to fill the voids I experience is only a temporary solution. The inevitable burnout arises from knowing these won't work as I hoped, prompting me to search for something more... something internal. I must learn to embrace myself and manage my expectations rather than succumb to overthinking. Embracing an untoned self and my liking for these swimming trunks is one way to remind myself that I don't need more to fill my voids.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Personal - New Tent on the Island

Yoh Blog!

I can not take it any longer. If you look at my blog (Lazarus search), my last Lazarus trip was a few months ago. I really missed Lazarus Island and relaxed by doing nothing.

I was supposed to go to Lazarus with RD last Tuesday, but RD had a family matter that required his attention, and my school project had not been completed. So I could not go to the island while thinking about work, so I cancelled and went on leave today.
Today was 11.11 Singles Day, I believe... Only this unwanted shxt has to do things on its own... Watching and realising how many of my friends got engaged today... I suppose that added to my reason for wanting to visit the island and test something, as evidenced by the title of this post. Thank you, Heaven, for such beautiful weather rather than dampening.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #104

Hi Blog,

Balancing the feeling of genuinely receiving compliments while wrestling with that underlying sense of unworthiness or inferiority can be tough, and I know that it's a real challenge. Many people feel this—especially those who want to contribute positively to the world but feel they aren’t quite measuring up. That is why I feel receiving compliments is hard to accept—they seem bigger than I deserve. I don’t have the look, wealth, or abilities that many admire, and deep down, I worry about coming up short. But I’m trying to change my mindset.

Learning to Accept Compliments, One Step at a Time
Step 1: I’m starting by simply saying “thank you” without overthinking it. It's okay if I don’t see myself the way others do—small steps matter. Step 2: Blogging is a positive outlet for me; writing about these feelings helps me uncover the good others might already see. Step 3: I’m learning to agree, even if only a little, with the compliments I get. I may not be perfect, but I’m trying to grow, and maybe that’s enough for now.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Blog - New Fifth Banner

Hi Blog,

Here's a quick update for my blog and perhaps for my readers, if anyone cares. I felt inspired to create a new banner and let my creativity flow. Even though my drawing skills are a bit rusty, I genuinely enjoy drawing comics, even if I'm not particularly skilled at it.

I have a general idea of what my banner should look like.
I will draw another banner for a few more years, so for now, I will keep it as is and review my previous banners.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Hiking - Island Club Road Path

Good Morning Blog,

ZN arrived yesterday and stayed overnight at my house to finish the game he had left unfinished and go on a hike.

I was thinking about today's whole-day event. I have to lead an activity for the elderly in the afternoon, assist with a class in the evening, and play badminton with my brother at night. What a long day.
So today's walk will be brief because, on one of my recent hikes in MacRitchie, I discovered a new route to Upper Peirce Reservoir and decided to try it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Blog - October Overview

Hi Blog,

It's already October! I always have trouble pronouncing "August" as "October" because they start with the same vowel. I'm wondering if it's due to my learning disability. Most people will likely need help understanding the challenge and will do their best to teach me how to recognize and read it correctly.

But they overlooked one detail: I am fine with reading written material; it may be slow, but it is not a problem. The main issue is speech; I need to mentally spell the word to say it correctly or have it corrected by someone else. I guess dyslexia got in the way.
Oh well... I was created to tick people off as if it were a simple task, but I could not do it. When everyone is dealing with their issues with the majority of responses, I am simply stupid to be caught up in it, unaware of the difficulties and concerns I am experiencing.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Trip - Meeting Ipoh Friends in KL

Hi Blog,

You were well aware of this. Yes, on 18th Oct 2024, I will be travelling again. I was going to KL to catch up with my Ipoh friends. We try to get together once a year as a ritual to bond with one another and look forward to it.

I took Friday off because EK intended to drive up to KL and avoid the traffic jam at JB Customs later in the day.
Honestly, I am not a wealthy man. I have been extremely disciplined and mindful of my spending, only covering our lodging and food. How I wish I did not have to worry about money it does not matter; the main goal was to catch up, so I should look forward to it.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Trip - Botanic Gardens Tyersall Gallop Extension

Good Morning Blog,

BP had been asking me to accompany him to the Botanic Garden's new zone for months because his girlfriend would be unable to explore with him. So I agreed to go because I had promised him.

I decided not to write a long post due to the unfinished posts on the Korean trip. But this is a new place, so I should write a long one.
Well, it is already stacked, so having one more makes no difference, right? Today's trip was a general and less detailed one; you should explore it yourself 😉

Monday, October 7, 2024

Trip - Korea D4 & 5 - Seoul Chill

Hi Blog,

I decided to combine Days 4 and 5; I wondered if I should post Day 1 through Day 5 as a single post. This was not a wise decision. Because I like to divide my content into meaningful sections with titles.

Anyway, what were we going to do on Day 4?
HD wanted to bring me to experience the beautiful city side of Korea. Thanks, HD, for bringing me around.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Trip - Korea D3 - Seoul Architect

Hi Blog,

Today was my third day in Korea, and our two ladies would be returning to Singapore. HD had some ideas for our day's itinerary in the morning.

We woke up early, but we still considered it late compared to what we had agreed upon. I suppose that is how group travel works; different personalities and characters must be taken into account.
HD wanted us to experience some Korean culture and heritage, which he thought I would enjoy.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Trip - Korea D2 - Seoul Searching

Good Morning Blog,

Today was the second day in Korea. Everyone's body clock simply woke us up to prepare for the day ahead.

ML and I decided to step out to explore the place where we stayed.
HD was on his way, taking a transit flight to Korea to join our group. He should arrive within the next few hours to bring us around.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Trip - Korea D1 - Seoul Shopping

Hi Blog,

I am going to Korea today! Many people react the same way when I tell them I am going to Korea: "Wah!" "You are so rich!" I understand why they said that, considering how many trips I have already taken this year (🇹🇼 and 🇲🇾). To be honest, I do not want to travel so frequently because I need to budget for it, but when I cannot persuade my colleagues to go on a short trip, all I can do is borrow money from myself, if not, I will upset them especially they were trying to make things happen.

Packing my belongings and reflecting... Why was it difficult to reject? Because most people can take leave easily, we need someone to stay at school, particularly three of my colleagues, one of whom is responsible for administrative security in the office. So I sensed they were trying to make it work and had gotten our boss to agree on the plan, but I was not in a position to be their wet blanket.
To be honest, this was both an exciting and nerve-racking trip for me because I got to travel (by plane) with my colleagues! We had previously taken a brief trip to Johor Bahru, but this time was different. Why am I concerned? I am concerned about how it will affect our relationship because travelling has the potential to both strengthen and weaken bonds.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #103

Hi Blog,

Looking back on my silly stupid completed trisuit theme post with a heavy heart... Yes, the accomplishment and effort should not be overlooked, but unfortunately... I fell back into the spiral again...

Perhaps it is simply a disappointment with myself... Not to the hate level, but rather blamed myself.
Everyone has accomplished so much, such as having a relationship, feeling wanted and appreciated, taking on a family role, and having a well-paying job, while I continue to sit outside my house, gazing at the small portion of the blue sky which I enjoy...

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Blog - September Overview

Hi Blog,

As September begins, I’ve been reflecting on the feelings of doubt and underachievement that have been weighing on my mind—like concerns about my physical fitness, the challenges of finding time to work out, and the pressure of not having started a romantic relationship. These doubts can really get to me sometimes, pulling me into a negative space. But with some help from ChatGPT, supportive friends, and years of trying to be a better version of myself, I’ve noticed that I’ve actually made some improvements. They’re not huge or overnight changes, but they’re there, and they matter.

It’s important to acknowledge that I’m doing the best I can with the time I have. My schedule is packed, and I still dedicate myself to things that matter, like spending time with family, and friends, and fulfilling my duties. That’s not nothing—it’s significant. And I have to remember that fitness isn’t just about looking a certain way; it’s about feeling good and being healthy. While having a relationship is a great experience, everyone’s timeline is different. Instead of focusing on what I haven’t achieved, I’m learning to focus on being the best version of myself and doing things that make me feel fulfilled and happy—like hobbies, volunteering, or self-improvement
What I’m learning is that progress doesn’t have to be a big deal to count. Even little steps—like accepting where I am with my fitness and staying open to the idea of love—are worth celebrating. I have to remember to give myself some credit. As I keep moving forward, I’ll try to focus more on the good stuff, be patient with myself, and embrace the slow and steady path of personal growth. Here’s to making September a month of growth, self-compassion, and positivity.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hiking - Failed Woodland Hike

Good Morning Blog,

I was supposed to meet a friend in the morning and then go to an afternoon event, but I discovered some work hiccups yesterday. Fortunately, I discovered it sooner rather than later, or through an audit...

I will go down to the woodland industry to fix the problem, so... why not I explore some of the woodland forest?
The reason I went exploring was because I wanted to revisit the abandoned factory, but I had heard that we could only get there through the forest.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trip - Kuala Lumpur Day 3 and 4

Hi Blog,

Yawning, third day! Time has flown by so quickly... We were going to Kuala Lumpur today. Feeling like I have had enough of Genting, but I have not done enough...

A misty morning I wondered... Is there a sunrise in Genting?
I will miss the cool weather up here, but overall, you will enjoy Genting Highlands if you do not mind spending because the prices here are comparable to those in Singapore.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Trip - Genting Highlands Day 2

Good Morning Blog,

I awoke a few times in an unfamiliar room, but I knew I was safe; nothing strange had happened that I did not want to experience, especially since someone had shared similar experiences just before I travelled. In general, I feel safe and taken care of.

I looked out my window, and it was misty again. I realised there was no need to install an air conditioning unit because we could simply open the window slightly and enjoy the cool air.
The second day in Genting Highlands was another full day for me to explore the place, I wanted to fully utilise the day!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Trip - Genting Highlands Day 1

Good Morning Blog,

Today was the day that my elder brother had planned, invited, and paid all of my uncles and aunties to go on a big family trip together, while I tried to help him with flight, hotel, and transportation arrangements, causing a large hole in my wallet. But it was a kind thought and wish that he had since he was young.

After packing my hiking bag, I realised I looked disgustingly cute and took a selfie 🤳. Nah, I just realised that my bag is too small to hold my belongings for a four-day journey.
Speaking of his wish, we once travelled to Genting Highlands as a large family with my cousins when we were young. We had a great time having the entire bus just for our family. He sees that our uncles and aunties are getting older, and that travelling as a large group is becoming increasingly difficult these days, so he invited and treated everyone to join him on this trip; he had been discussing it with my uncles and aunties, even cousins, to set the dates for December 2023. To make a long story short, join me on this grand family adventure.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Personal - Incomplete Swimming Theme #0

Hi Blog,

It had been over a year since my last visit to this swimming pool, so I published this incomplete swimming theme post. Since Bedok Hometeam is so easily accessible, I doubt I will be able to visit Tampines Safra, a place that belongs to many demigods or "merman".

I don't have a picture of that pool so let's create one from Ai! 😂
Looking back, boring themes could have been deleted; why did I post them? Just demonstrating the amount of effort put into gathering the photos by striking the same posts is time-consuming and uneasy; I should learn to recognise every effort that I have made rather than dismissing it easily. Even though it was not finished, the main message was "At least I tried."

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hiking - Rain and Shine

Hi Blog,

After recovering from an illness and being free this weekend, I thought to myself, "I should go for a hike."!

Looking through my new camera with a CPL filter lens, I observed that it rendered the sky in the photographs more vibrant.
I plan to keep it simple for my new "photographer" by hiking from my place to Bukit Timah, although I initially considered exploring other locations.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #102

Hi Blog,

For the past few years, I’ve been on a journey to stay fit while capturing moments of wearing different trisuits in the same spot. This one is my #102 trisuit post, it still amazes me how what started as a small gesture has now become a motivating factor in my life. Looking back at my #1 in March 2018, I realize that it had been six years already!

Yeah, it might seem a little strange, but each photo serves as a reminder that I'm taking care of myself - whether I'm going for a run or just keeping track of my progress.
It's my way of acknowledging my dedication and reminding myself that even the smallest actions, such as getting ready for a run in my trisuit, can have a big impact.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Blog - August Overview

Hi Blog,

After July, I had a clear aim for my life, but there were some unresolved backlogs, specifically relating to friendship. I will share in general, when meeting new people, we often encounter individuals who initially appear genuine and sincere. There’s a certain hope that this new connection could lead to something meaningful for one another, even though my past experiences have taught me to be cautious and I am also trying to understand that not everyone will have content to discuss besides personal objectives. Personally, opening up to someone new is always a gamble, but it's a risk we take in the hopes of forming a true bond.

Sometimes, however, the intentions of others can be a mix of friendship and something more. Even when I try to set boundaries and communicate my discomfort, the lines can get blurred. My hope to preserve a friendship often leads me to make concessions, even when, I know it might not end well.
After an encounter that involved crossing the line, the nature of the relationship changed, just as I had expected. The closeness we once felt began to fade, replaced by distance and fewer conversations. I feel regretful and blame myself for allowing things to reach this point, especially when I sensed and mentioned the potential for disappointment from the start, only to be dismissed by the other party. I feel like a fool because they could just exit easily since they already got what they wanted and affirmed that I am still that stupid person from the beginning.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hiking - One Rainy Path

Good Morning Blog,

If I have a free Saturday morning, I'll go hiking to try out my new camera. However, I've been asked to stay at my sister's house to help her sort through her housing applications.

Unfortunately, Miss Sky chose to shower the earth this morning.
After checking the weather patterns, the heavy rain appeared to be concentrated over the Indonesian islands and south of Singapore. Considering this, should I proceed with a hike??

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hiking - Revisit Keppel

Hi Blog,

Given that I am attending Gardeners Day Out at HortPark and having lunch at Funan, I will take advantage of the pleasant weather and explore with my new camera!

Err... This weather is a bit moody, but I'm sticking to my decision!!
I plan to perform a camera test to evaluate its performance against my previous model. Moreover, I intend to introduce my new camera into my regular explorations. Today's hike will serve as an opportunity similar to an exploration I undertook in October 2023.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Personal - Swimming Theme #8

Hi Blog,

My latest monthly post mentioned that I recently got a new camera. The swimming theme photo collection was taken with two different phones because my Google Pixel phone stopped working. Due to this, I decided to end the theme collection and publish it as is, even though it was incomplete.

The photo was taken in one of the restroom stalls.
This theme was one of the most difficult to complete because there were always swimmers around, so I didn't want to make them uncomfortable with my untoned body.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hiking - More Yishun Forest

Good Morning Blog,

The long weekend was rainy, so I couldn't go for a short hike. But today looks like a great opportunity! So where am I going then?

I had the pleasure of using my new camera and capturing some shots. I must say, it's a great investment! The colour and clarity are just perfect!
Today, I opted to revisit Yishun Forest, and I'm grateful that Elmo (who stays nearby) decided to join me on this little adventure.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Product - Insta360 Ace Pro

Hi Blog,

You know, my camera was drowned when it took a plunge into the water. I feel bad for making it swim. At the same time, I knew it was on its days were numbered. I hope my camera won't take it the wrong way as if I murdered it. Since 2016, we have created many wonderful memories and experienced some challenges... So... this time, no more EX-FR100 (already discontinued), but I consider this new camera an upgraded version of my old one!

Even though I was on a tight budget this month, I decided to invest in a new camera. After watching numerous YouTube videos for research, I realised that the Insta360 GO2, which I purchased in 2023, did not meet my expectations, and I still prefer the features of the EX-FR100. The Insta360 Ace Pro has everything I need!
What made me choose the Insta360 Ace Pro? Was it the price, features, or specs? It's time for a non-professional review of a product. Don't worry, I won't go into detail describing the specs and functions.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #101

Hi Blog,

#101 trisuit theme - just a reminder for myself that I moved on.

Apart from the conclusion of my unfruitful romantic saga, the next chapter that weighs on my mind is friendship.
I haven't identified a clear pattern yet, but what I do know is that people come and go. Especially when many initially seem sincere and eager to kindle a friendship. However, once they received the confirmation or acknowledgement, their demeanour changed and became distant, even though I made an effort to be open and approachable...

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Blog - July Overview

Hi Blog,

Since May, I've been trying to find the positive force within me, but I haven't succeeded. I never feel good enough to wield the lightsaber. In June, I aimed to focus on recognizing the positive things I've been doing, but I needed clarification.

July always reminds me that I am getting old, as I often recall a quote from the Analects of Confucius. “吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。” Online Translation: "At fifteen, I was focused on learning. At thirty, I stood firm. At forty, I had no doubts. At fifty, I knew the decrees of heaven. At sixty, my ear was tuned to the truth. At seventy, I could follow my heart’s desires, without transgressions.
四十而不惑, At forty, I had no doubts; I must say, I am moving in that direction, especially self-doubt. Even though I fell down, I must say I picked myself up quickly. Unlike when I was 30+, I would be stuck for a long time. I hope I can get better and wiser as time goes on.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Personal - A Reflection on Life, Love, and Self-Worth

Hi Blog,

Today marks my 45th birthday, and I wish myself a happy birthday. I've chosen to reflect on my life's journey, acknowledging the periods of darkness and the moments of self-acceptance I've experienced. Thank you for ChatGPT's assistance in refining my English, making it more easily digested for readers interested in learning about my past and reflections.

(2024) I'm not sure where to begin... Initially, feeling depressed about being single at my age and demotivated upon seeing happy couples fit together like two matching puzzle pieces was common, along with a bittersweet sentiment towards them.
I have chosen to introspect deeply to uncover any potential flaws within myself. Why do others seem to avoid my company? Although I have received much advice, I have not accepted it because success is generally not as simple as ABC. Perhaps it is my own timid or narrow perspective that has led to all this. I will organize my scattered thoughts here for ChatGPT to summarise, and then I will copy from various places and paste them here.

I plan to organize my reflections into candles for easier reading, and I will include some of my older photographs that I have never shared on my blog before.