Sunday, September 1, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #102

Hi Blog,

For the past few years, I’ve been on a journey to stay fit while capturing moments of wearing different trisuits in the same spot. This one is my #102 trisuit post, it still amazes me how what started as a small gesture has now become a motivating factor in my life. Looking back at my #1 in March 2018, I realize that it had been six years already!

Yeah, it might seem a little strange, but each photo serves as a reminder that I'm taking care of myself - whether I'm going for a run or just keeping track of my progress.
It's my way of acknowledging my dedication and reminding myself that even the smallest actions, such as getting ready for a run in my trisuit, can have a big impact.

Sometimes, the little things we do, no matter how small or silly they seem, are the very things that keep us moving forward. And that’s worth recognizing.


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