Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Trip - Vietnam D4 - Sapa Part One

Hi Blog,

On Day 4, we travelled to Sapa, which was the highlight of our trip. I was so excited about it! And, thank goodness, I was able to output at night and overcome my constipation before travelling to a distant location.

Wearing my sleeping bag (sleeping suit) helps me stay warm in a hotel room. I am simply a weirdo... Anyway, we needed to get up early the next day.
I will do my best to post pictures first on this blog post, and then I will gradually add text. I should not rush things because it will make me feel stressed.

I was ready early because my mother could not sleep and awoke early to prepare her luggage because we were told to bring separate luggage up to Sapa and leave our larger luggage at the current hotel when we arrived back on the sixth day.
I wore my thermals and hoodie, and I also brought my fleece jacket.
Getting ready for the day. Thank you, Babylon Grand Hotel; I had a wonderful stay, though I wish the hotel had more amenities; however, I am a poor man, so this is adequate.
It was six of the clock in the morning and their day had begun early. Anyway, it is time to leave the hazy place for somewhere less hazy.
I wanted to sleep, but I was also inspired to write my first blog post. Never mind, I should not worry about it; just sleep until our first toilet break and then decide what to do next.
From urban to rural areas, it demonstrated how some people live their lives, away from unnecessary distractions but still cut off from social interaction.
One strange occurrence: I noticed a plane hanging motionless in the sky; I should have watched it for a while before taking out my phone to photograph it. I should have taken a video instead of pictures.
We were now moving towards the greener side of Vietnam, where pollution was lower than in the city.
Imagine living in this area; what would I do on a daily basis? According to the tour guide, some farmers will bring their vegetables to the designated central market to conduct business, primarily with the intention of interacting with others and chatting for an extended period of time before returning home.
The high mountain ahead of us was waving to us.
We rarely see such stunning mountain scenery in Singapore; there is nothing like it.
I can focus on writing my blog now that the beautiful landscapes have recharged me.
We had lunch here, but what piqued my interest was the Vietnamese's creativity in transforming a red plastic pail into a lantern.
Here began our twisted road, which almost made me vomit. 🤮
I was fortunate enough to see the beautiful mountain on my side of the bus, which is breathtaking.
But I could not stand looking out for too long or even write my blog posts... I had to close my eyes to rest my mind...Thank you to the skilled driver for safely transporting us to Sapa.
After more than an hour of riding, we arrived in Sapa! 🎉
Similarly to Hanoi, the building layout appears complex, with narrow roads that have no fixed direction and fewer people, a good mix of locals and visitors.
Fortunately, the bright sun helped to warm Sapa, making it less cold than we anticipated. Thank you, Mr Sun.
Sapa's electric bus, yellow in colour, because the larger bus cannot transport us to the hotel directly.
As usual, I took the front seat to see what Sapa looked like.
The driver wondered what I was doing; was I taking a picture of him? It is not uncommon for someone who is attractive to be wary of having their picture taken. Anyway, I was not taking photos of you.
I discovered a new way to photograph myself with my surroundings.
A parade square with some lovely displays.
Sapa station has a lovely Roman or European-style exterior.
Oooo! On the electric bus, I noticed these displays. Oh, they are adorable.
Beautiful and breathtaking


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