Thursday, April 13, 2023

Product - Insta360 GO 2

Hi Blog,

I decided to get myself a new camera because I know my current camera won't last long... So...

I decided to give this Insta360 Go 2 a try.
Let's unbox this camera moment!

I got these two from the seller.
Let's start with the selfie stick. Hmm... it looks rather small...
As compared with the EX-FR100 selfie stick...
But when I extended it fully; to my surprise, it was about the same length as EX-FR100! This made me learn one important thing - Never judge a thing from its appearance but we may have a pre-perception of it, which is normal.
Insert "Holy music" when opening the box.
The one at the first opening... looks like a pendant-like thing...
oooo! It is for you to stick that camera on this pendant and you can wear it  
Ah, there is a name for it, it is named "Magnet Pendant".
Oooo. This one is Pivot Stand... not sure how I am going to use it...
Easy Clip. Hmm, how can I use it...
Here is a short introduction to the accessories in the box.
The main highlight of the new camera is this small device
I love this camera as it is quite small
My first photo was taken from Insta360. hmmm... Somehow I have a bad feeling about it...

Some useful and clear introductions to get yourself started on using the insta360
Having my old camera trying to know Insta360...
Overall, a small and compact Insta360 is a great asset to have as compared with the GoPro I had last time... But compared to Casio EX-FR100, Somehow... I have something for Casio EX-FR100 because... I can snap and dismount instantly but as for Insta360... I need to set up first (like a minute) with my phone to know how to position my photo angle. Well... I don't know much... and have no choice if my Casio camera spoils in future...

Updated on 25th Nov 2023
I sold this camera and want to get another better one.


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