Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Blog - March Overview

Hi Blog,

Sometimes having a blog is really more for ourselves; a space to serve as my memory depository so... Not suitable for casual readers who will be reading some boring stuf about a weirdo. Well... I will just move on and do what I like to do.

1st March 2020 -
Sunday Activities
2nd March 2020 -
Last Ecosphere
7th March 2020 -
Kayaking Again Again
8th March 2020 -
Identify my Trigger
9th March 2020 -
Trisuit Theme #31
12th Mar 2020 -
Chao Ta Day
13th Mar 2020 -
Looking for something
14th~15th Mar 2020 -
Weekend Activities
15th Mar 2020 -
NoFap Challenge
16th Mar 2020 -
Ex-Railway Route
17th Mar 2020 -
My First Staycation
19~21st Mar 2020 -
Three Days Riding
28~29th Mar 2020 -
Weekend Activities

Jogging - March Jogging

Hi Blog,

March Jogging activity blog post again. Hmm... Oh man... These few days evening... kept on raining...

Raining raining raining

Monday, March 30, 2020

Swimming - March Swimming

Hi Blog,

Swimming is my favourite activity and yet it is also one which can make me feel inferior... Because I really wish I have swimmer bods. Oh well... rather feeling regretful or lousy... I see many swimmers just swim and enjoy the water. That reminds me that the love of swimming that I have, is undeniable and I should not feel bad. Good that others have a great body to flaunt, I just flaunted my love of swimming.

My March Swimming post started at TPY safra :)

Personal - March Randomness

Hi Blog,

Here comes to my randomness post for the month. Not much people understand why and what is randomness about? It is just a mixture of random activity that I do without having to create a long post.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Hiking - Weekend Activities

Good Morning Blog,

I had a tiring weekday... Like fighting wars in school, phone calls and data collection, design and preparation... Just want to zzz and knowing weekend was coming! Yippee!

On Saturday... I woke up early despite only got around five hours of rest.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Cycling - Three Days Cycling

Hi Blog,

From Thursday until Saturday, I can't believe that I was actually cycled for three mornings. Now my legs feel happy and so do my waifu. This post is just a brief summary of these three days.

Morning Mr Sun. You reminded me of my Staycation sunrise, you look better when you just woke up, haha.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Personal - My First Staycation

Hi Blog,

I got an invitation from uncle J, he claimed that he received a second FREE staycation and he knew that I have yet gone for staycation due to my wallet wealth limitation. I can't believe my wishlist got fulfilled and the best thing is the available date matched the date of my last day of leave.

And YES! The staycation will be at MBS!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Hiking - Ex Railway Route

Good Morning Blog,

Three years ago, Mr K brought me to an Ex-railway path before (link) and I decided to explore further and see whether is it a suitable hiking route.

Getting ready and feeling good after yesterday zzz

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Personal - NoFap Challenge

Hi Blog,

This one is a very personal post. I hesitated of whether I should make such a post or not. In this post, there won't have any pictures than text. It was about a challenge that I gave to myself - a NoFap Challenge for 30 days.

A general feeling when I was trying to pull myself through during these 30 days challenge

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Personal - Weekend Activities

Hi Blog,

Due to the virus episode in the whole world, many of my duties and events got cancelled until further notice (even though, there were some other meetings will carry on) so once it was cancelled, which meant that I have some time for myself. In this post, I will share with you what I had been doing during this weekend.

On the Saturday morning, Yes! you are right! I went out with my waifu.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Hiking - Looking for Something

Good Morning Blog,

Today morning (since it was weekday meaning lesser crowd? LOL) I decided to visit Chestnut Nature Park to hunt for some local insect. I will tell you what I am looking for if I managed to find it. So it will be a short slow hike.

Nice Mr Sun, you were in full strength.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Personal - Chao Ta Day

Good Morning Blog,

Today was the first day of my leave for 2020 (trying to clear last year leave)! Today Dongsaeng K wanted to go somewhere which he always wanted to go; the places where I went before. Since I also wanted to go there because... So I asked him to tag along since he took a break from work too.

I packed my stuff and make a guess where was I heading?

Monday, March 9, 2020

Personal - Suits to the Theme #31

Hi Blog,

To start my March blog post, I will post one Trisuit Theme which I spent months and days to gather. Nothing impressive but it is something which gathered my effort. If you had missed my previous theme #30, you may click here.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Personal - Identify My Trigger Points

Good Morning Blog,

Due to some changes with some arrangements on Sunday, I had the morning slot available for myself. I decided to take my waifu out and time for myself, and learned to reflect my trigger points. Instead of it is a Cycling post, it turns out a boring personal post.

Pump some air for my waifu as I need to find a quiet place

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Personal - Kayaking Again Again

Good Morning Blog,

Finally managed to get a youth group to find a common day/time to go for an outing together and most of them wanted to go for kayaking. based on my first (double seaters) and second (single) experience of Kayaking, I thought why not I go for a different one - try Pedal Boat (sample).

We met up my friends at 8am and it was so early that Mr Sun just woke up.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Personal - Last Ecosphere

Hi Blog,

Since I returned with something in my stupid hands from Pulau Hantu on Nov 2019 (post), trying to create a saltwater ecosphere then ended with a failed ending... then created one freshwater ecosphere from the water in MacRichie on beginning of 2020 (post). Had a happy growing moment together for a month until I was back from Sister's Island and Killed off everything in the ecosphere... I was so upset and guilty over what I had done...

Started from 20 Feb 2020 - 20022020 (beautiful date to start my last freshwater ecosphere)

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Hiking - Sunday Activities

Hi Blog,

Yippee! 1st of March! Finally! Don't know why... Feb seemed like a long month - Got leap day and zero holiday. At least March comes to save the days.

Yawning.... okay what shall I do during Sunday morning?
Just fulfilled my promise with some friends whom I had promised.