Saturday, March 21, 2020

Cycling - Three Days Cycling

Hi Blog,

From Thursday until Saturday, I can't believe that I was actually cycled for three mornings. Now my legs feel happy and so do my waifu. This post is just a brief summary of these three days.

Morning Mr Sun. You reminded me of my Staycation sunrise, you look better when you just woke up, haha.
19 Mar 2020 - Because it was a school term break so I will cycle to work today.
Today I decided to wear the Jersey which I seldom wear. I guess there are a few jerseys that I might have forgotten, like the spiderman black Jersey.
Well, not that I don't like it... More like I already settled with a few. Now I don't ever have the urge to buy anymore.
20th Mar 2020 - Thanks God It's Friday and NO raining. I was ready in my final formed Tron Suit, the most satisfying purchase and too bad, I can't make another purchase before they jacked up the price...
I hope they will have a tighter fitting as this one is loose... despite of size M
OH Man! After work, Miss Sky decided to pour her emotions. Here here, Miss Sky, I will ride in the rain with my bag covered with plastic bag. :) Thanks for the cold shower.
21st Mar 2020 - Saturday Morning, My legs were screaming for rest but no choice, I needed to cycle out this morning.
Tron jersey is just my favourite :) Waifu and me are a pair.
Oh yeah! back to topic, Today I need to cycle to Red Bridge at Punggol to fetch my ex-student, HQ...
And brought him to my quiet place.
HQ always want to go a ride with me and since he has not come here before. Upper Peirce will be a nice place to visit.
The scenery is just peaceful.
Showing HQ how I took my pictures and set my camera.
And Took a picture together while social-distancing.
Glad that HQ loves the high slope and wind :D Weeeeeeeeeeee!
Noon time and Time to inform HQ's parents aware that he is his way back. Both of us just KO-ed after bathing. :)
Had a good riding work throughout these days. Have to rest myself for now.



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