Saturday, March 7, 2020

Personal - Kayaking Again Again

Good Morning Blog,

Finally managed to get a youth group to find a common day/time to go for an outing together and most of them wanted to go for kayaking. based on my first (double seaters) and second (single) experience of Kayaking, I thought why not I go for a different one - try Pedal Boat (sample).

We met up my friends at 8am and it was so early that Mr Sun just woke up.
It will be a long day today
Nice morning weather today for a good kayaking
While we filled out a form and settled our payment, the staff told me that pedal boat had been discontinued already and OMG! WHY!!!!!! Oh well... No choice... Have to take whatever they have left.

The crew kindly gave us a short briefing like the restriction zone and our kayaking area.
Time to take our boat!
Due to limited boats, it only takes first come first serve bases, and you can't make a reservation so it is best to come early and test your luck to get the boats.
No choice... We were given two doubles and two singles...
First group pictures together before we started!
Feeling that we will have a great time kayaking
Just Keep kayaking.
Time to introduce some of my friends here
BP had to torture himself to share the boat with me
Lucky BP has two strong arms to do all the pedaling for me
Smile WS! Thanks for joining us for this trip after your exam. :)
Thanks bro XY for giving me support for attending this activity and he also had a long day too.
Thanks WJ and his GF, SH for coming too
Our younger in our kayaking group - MX. Glad she joins in :)
Honestly, this really gave everyone a toll at their core while kayaking, everyone just stopped and chilled around
So I left everything to BP. Hahahah!
I found so difficult to do a selfie at an ideal distance and ended up... It captured at an awful angle.
We got really tired kayaking so we decided to gather one another and formed a bond.
It seemed like we had a new idea!
We decided to kayak as a group and wondered will it work?
Believe me, it WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! This one is rewarding and much faster.
Thank you everyone for attending today kayaking :) Let's do it again or dragonboat next time.

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