Saturday, November 23, 2019

Personal - Stupid Seawater Ecosphere

Hi Blog,

I got something back from P.Hantu (in my previous post) so What did I carry back? I carry back some sea plants like back to try to create an ecosphere.

Thanks Jo for getting this jar for me from ikea.
I got inspired by this youtuber. He made many interesting experiments on an enclosed jar.

So I decided to make one myself.

I bought some Hantu sands
I bought back some rock-like materials and I want to grow that bubbly-plant-liked thingy.
Give it some time, and the sand dust started to settle.
Oh my! There were some sea anemones!
The bubbly sea plants seemed okay.
OH MY! There was Brittle Star!
Looks great, isn't it?

It seemed like... Making a saltwater ecosphere is not an easy task... I also learned from my mistakes... I need to put in an air pump to circulate the water...

But after the next day... Things turn like a nightmare... or graveyard... Really hantu now...

I guess... I really made them become hantu (ghost)...

All the sea anemones were died...
No more brittle star...
Even the coral turned black and dead
The bubbly sea plant has some burst bubbles...
Lesson learned... NEVER BRING BACK ANYTHING BACK FROM THE SEA. They won't live :( So sorry that I killed them...

I decided... I need to be careful if I need to do such setup. I will have to get just plants... MUST not carry any animals back... I won't want any animal become hantu (ghost, dead) due to my ignorance.

After Lazurus and Kusu visit today, I focused my pick on the seaweeds.

On the 23th Nov 2019. My first offical - animal-less ecosphere.
Different types of seaweeds
Hope it will grow well.


Updated 9th Dec 2019

After I came back from Taiwan... Yup... this eco-sphere was a failure... and... I learned why I failed

It was milky and contaminated. I wondered why the youtuber can seal his for months and still clean. One reason is the source of the water,  as it is brackish water which is very dirty! And the sand turned black totally. When I was removing the content, the sand was very disgusting. In conclusion, my aim is to grow the seaweed then I should either make my own sea water or test it with freshwater. Anyway, I will go for a second try next time. I will focus on getting Sea plants.
I will be back to this project again in this post.


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