Thursday, January 2, 2020

Personal - Another Ecosphere

Hi Blog,

Funny that I didn't finish this post and published it. Haha...

Anyway, in my previous failed saltwater ecosphere, I learned keeping a saltwater content is not possible so I decided to make a freshwater ecosphere. I can gather materials from Macritchie and I gathered some water plants and water. After a week...

I bought something online to create an environment for ecosphere since there is nothing in the shpere. I bought this which will living things like daphnia, clam shrimps and copepods.
Here is my Macritchie Ecosphere which has two types of water plants even though I don't like one of it because it grows very fast, might be thinking of removing it if it got out of hand.
Time to some portion of the mixture into the ecosphere.
One day later... Did you spot something? There are something there!
Here is a video of it, can you spot them?
Oh my! I didn't know there is a water snail in my ecosphere. Hmm Hope they won't spread too much. Anyway, did you see something on the glass? Yes! It is a copepods and it is a female copepod carrying egg sack at the side.
This one is male copepod.
More of them here and there. Amazing!
Pic credit to Roland Birke / Getty Images - Copepods
Pic credit to Hans van Someren Gréve - Copepod carries eggs
Omg omg omg! Did you see something here? Come on, make a guess before scrolling down. I can't believe I got this!
Can recognise what is this?
It's a fresh-water clam! What you saw, is its breathing tubes.
Something delicious it tastes. Hope it will continue to live on in my ecosphere.
More of close up of the clammy.
Pic credit to - a research on these freshwater clam.
Speaking about clam. Did you spot another one here?
It is a shrimp clam!
Pic credit to - a close up of this interesting clam shrimp which I wish to culture more.
(Updated on 6th Feb 2020) After a month, I placed a strong light in the dark, and witnessed those clam shrimp attracted to the light :D
Lastly, another amazing animal spotted - the Hydra! A kind of jellyfish!
Pic credit to - close up of Hydra
Overall, it is so exciting to see many living things in a small jar but... I can't see one thing... Daphnia (water flea) it should get visible... Oh well... I will try to buy more clam shrimp eggs as they are cutest of all. Will research more on it. Hope you will feel as excited as I am.

Mini jar with life dated 2020 01 02 - 2020 02 08

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