Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Jogging - March Jogging

Hi Blog,

March Jogging activity blog post again. Hmm... Oh man... These few days evening... kept on raining...

Raining raining raining
11th Mar 2020 - RAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Started to feel lazy. Hahaha!
13th Mar 2020 - Finally, Miss Cloud decided not to rain today and Mr Sun was painting the sky. Feeling great after good jogging and I didn't carry my camera along so I can focus on jogging.
26th Mar 2020 - Nearly 13 days and finally got to a chance to jog again. Slow one though but at least, I can jog. Untoned but can't be bothered. I jog to sweat it out.
31st Mar 2020 - This month I can't jog often due to rain. At least Miss Sky decided not to rain for the last day of the month. Thank you Miss Sky.

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