Monday, March 30, 2020

Personal - March Randomness

Hi Blog,

Here comes to my randomness post for the month. Not much people understand why and what is randomness about? It is just a mixture of random activity that I do without having to create a long post.

3rd March 2020 - To smile or not to smile. I don't know. Hahaha just has two of them while practicing my Piano play.
4th Mar 2020 - Consume a banana in the morning will be a nice thing to have to start the day :) It will charge the positivity of our emotion.
7th Mar 2020 - Someone stole my well-grown stephania and caught on camera. I feel so upset about how he handled the plant. If he took it and grows it on his own; I am fine... but... this was the ending of that plant... I also understand that man is mentally unsound and lonely. He doesn't know what he is doing... Did you see the water on the staircase? That is his urine... Yes... he will pee at the staircase and lift... I forgive him and not get angry with him, I learn to live with him.
8th Mar 2020 - Time to admire my pitcher plant. I feel so happy to witness the dews formed on the cap of pitcher plant which is a rare moment especially on this species - gracilis will have dew on its cap?!
9th Mar 2020 - The moon on this date looked so perfect and yellowish. I really wanted to know the secret on this moon. But no matter, I will know or not; At least I know Heaven is looking upon us.
10th Mar 2020 - Wooooow. what a rare sight to witness Mr Sun for just waking up. Must be some tired days before. Glad to witness this in the morning.
11th Mar 2020 - Well done... He did it and just throw the plant on his urine zone again. Really triggered and have to learn to absorb the whole thing. I think he just likes to have that stick...
17th Mar 2020 - Trying my best to finish my blog posts. So sorry, I was slow but glad to have patience and supportive readers to motivate me.
22nd Mar 2020 - Sunday I went for a hike with Iv. Didn't take much pictures because won't want to spoil his eyes and focused on hiking and chit-chatting. :) Honestly, I really love this blue trisuit. Maybe I should look at dark blue.
29th Mar 2020 - I took out my secondary uniform and thanks goodness that I can still fit in. I guess I can go for an outdoor shot. How do you think? How do I look in uniform?
30th Mar 2020 - Learning the only piano piece as much as I can without any foundation or knowledge of musical stuff and can't read any kind of tadpole-note... I was stuck at one part of the moonlight sonata which requires a continuous hitting on the keys "back and fore" and lucky it has a pattern. I marked out all "active keys" and put them in number, so I can practice again and again until my muscle memory remembered these. Another word... If people can learn and master it like snapping their fingers, then I will have to do it with my own way. The joy of learning at the best.

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