Sunday, March 1, 2020

Hiking - Sunday Activities

Hi Blog,

Yippee! 1st of March! Finally! Don't know why... Feb seemed like a long month - Got leap day and zero holiday. At least March comes to save the days.

Yawning.... okay what shall I do during Sunday morning?
Just fulfilled my promise with some friends whom I had promised.

I packed a small bag and a mat, where was I going to?
I went up to W's place and saw this kind gesture by the neighbour to fight the virus. :) Bless this person.
Ugly me bringing W's family for a hike. The kids seemed excited but I was rather worrying.
Hahaha, I can jog with W's elder daughter and like an uncle in a family.
Going to upper Peirce park will require us to conquer three slopes (the part which I worried) and as what I can predict, W's wife and W himself had to carry their kids. Hahaha... And I helped to pull their bikes. One visitor was so kind, he stopped his car and offered to give us a lift. But W and his wife were determined to do workout so...
They made it finally and they were half dead! Hahah! But it was not easy.
W's family deserved a space here :) Respect that you made it and it was not easy.
Peaceful Upper Peirce lake.
Helped W to record this family's moment :) Who knows, it will help W in future reference.
Eventually, I only managed to read my book for less than 15 mins and W wanted to go back home. I believe they can't do the slopes anymore so they called a taxi in. Take note, you can't 'grab' to this park. I heard from W that his kids KO after lunch. :) At least, his wife wanted to do it again. I will be there with them again (Drive in).

After a short break and powernap, I packed my stuff and traveled to North to meet Mr I. (seldom has a chance to hike) for a short hike.

First time went for an afternoon hike.
Late afternoon around 4+ and wondered will the weather perfect for hiking?
Back to this pipeline route
And the main thing was to let Mr I. experienced hiking and oh my goodness, he won't mind helping me to take pictures :D
Mr I. was happy to take pictures for me and I was glad.
I told Mr I. that I brought something along my hike and I explained to him that I intended to try it here during this timing (late afternoon)
Yes! Mr I. won't mind taking pictures of me in...
Spiderman suit :D I just simply wear over with my trisuit.
Looks funny in green shoes hahaha. Oh well, do I have a choice?
Now just enjoy the moment in the suit :D
I was trying my best to pose as Spidey.
Even though Mr. I was very supportive but we had to continue down our hiking than spending too much time to take pics as spidey
I felt totally unfamiliar walking along a familiar route... Perhaps because I was walking backward.
Always want to take an eye-level picture and really have to credit Mr. I for help. Thanks God that he won't mind at all.
After a short walk, we had almost finished the hike after this slope.
Time to call spidey again!
Don't judge me here! hahaha!
Really like the contrast colour from the suit to nature.
Thumb up for Mr. I and he ever suggested some actions and storyline for me, but I was SO embarrassed to follow through the storyline. hahaha... Feel so shameful.
Honestly, I was really running out of ideas of posting. hahaha...
Not even know how to. More like I am shxtting on the pipeline! hahaha!
All I can is to photoshop effect in my picture. Hahaha.
One of my favourite shot for the day - the contract colours
Let's go deeper into the wood
Tried to spam-snap as much as possible with Mr. I's assistance
Really love the greeny and spidey red - both strong colours
Seriously... I really drained with spidey poses. hahaha!
Done with my spidey and ended my ridiculous request so that Mr I. can complete the hike without delaying his time home
After a short while, we had finished the route?! WHAT?! hahahaha! Removed the time spent on spidey, we completed this hike within less than 45 mins. LOL!
Mr I. can go back from there but I told him to continue the path, we might able to see a beautiful sunset at Upper Seletar.
And visited that quiet hidden spot with beautiful sky
Calm lake :3
Since we were here, we should not miss the opportunity for a photo session
Today hike shots, I really have to thanks Mr I. It is great to have someone who won't judge me for my stupidity.
Haha.. Last shot of me for the day :)
Hiking during evening time is quite a new cooling experience
At least, till the end of my day, I got to see beautiful sunset to reward myself
I can't go to the tower and I have a duty to ensure Mr I. finds his way back home.
Overall, what a fully packed Sunday, hope you like it. Time to rest for the next day.


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