Monday, March 2, 2020

Personal - Last Ecosphere

Hi Blog,

Since I returned with something in my stupid hands from Pulau Hantu on Nov 2019 (post), trying to create a saltwater ecosphere then ended with a failed ending... then created one freshwater ecosphere from the water in MacRichie on beginning of 2020 (post). Had a happy growing moment together for a month until I was back from Sister's Island and Killed off everything in the ecosphere... I was so upset and guilty over what I had done...

Started from 20 Feb 2020 - 20022020 (beautiful date to start my last freshwater ecosphere)
This time round... I don't want anything else (even though I really want a freshwater clam), but now I will keep it simple. Just an unknown aquatic plant and that's it! NO more snail, whatever!

Just a simple setup.
Then I itchy-hand purchased a bag of Daphnia eggs online...

When it arrived... Oh dear... Where is the eggs?!
HUH! WHAT?! Will that even work?! It is dust or what?! Oh well, if can't get anything, at least my next clam shrimp packet will work.
Hope it works (I meant this simple ecosphere) and eventually 
YIPPEE! I found out that there is one Clam Shrimp still survive despite I washed numerous times from my previous failure. Hope it will continue to spread its egg.
on 1st March 2020, did you see something swimming in there? Like UFO. Not sure what is that... Daphnia or other living things... Maybe it belonged to that surviving clam shrimp.
Finally! My backup on my previous purchase had arrived.
At least this one might have something in there - basically it is all sands.
Poured 10% in and...
Hope for the best.
on the 9th March 2020 - I noticed there are more Clam shrimps started to swim
Either it was from the bag of sand I poured in or breed from the only survivor; no matter where they came from, now my ecosphere is starting up. :)
on 26th Mar 2020 - I shone some light to see the clamshrimps swam up to explore the light.
They are so cute.

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