Monday, March 30, 2020

Swimming - March Swimming

Hi Blog,

Swimming is my favourite activity and yet it is also one which can make me feel inferior... Because I really wish I have swimmer bods. Oh well... rather feeling regretful or lousy... I see many swimmers just swim and enjoy the water. That reminds me that the love of swimming that I have, is undeniable and I should not feel bad. Good that others have a great body to flaunt, I just flaunted my love of swimming.

My March Swimming post started at TPY safra :)
2nd Mar 2020 - Yeah. I really love swimming. To enjoy the coolness in the water and feel lesser inferior... I just swim at lesser crowded corner of the pool and reminded myself, what is the purpose of swimming today?
24th Mar 2020 - Finally after so LONG that I can touch the water again! Today I went to the meeting place and due to social-distancing, we made adjustment to have a smaller group meeting for discussion and so happen one of them stayed in a CONDO! So I went up earlier for a sneak swim before meeting. Speaking about social-distancing, this BIG sofa is a good representation of the space apart of social-distancing. Hahaha!
28th Mar 2020 - After two meetings on Saturday, EK asked me to go for a mini house warming for G, he managed to rent a place for himself and it is at one small condo. Since I was there, I just went for a drip in the small pool late at night.
30th Mar 2020 - Last day of March, I wanted to go for a swim with Mr C at Safra but there was some delay so I can't do, so I went to my Aunt's rental Condo to help her to fix her TV and before, I left the condo, I told myself... WHY don't I go for a short drip too! Hahaha... What a quiet and peaceful condo swim! I really love swimming... How I wish I have a beautiful body but I don't have any... I just have to love whatever I have.

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