Monday, March 16, 2020

Hiking - Ex Railway Route

Good Morning Blog,

Three years ago, Mr K brought me to an Ex-railway path before (link) and I decided to explore further and see whether is it a suitable hiking route.

Getting ready and feeling good after yesterday zzz
My shoes can't wait to go
Mr Sun just woke up too and he will accompany my hiking today
I guess I am really running photo ideas already. Hahaha...
perhaps can add in some selfie moment with a smile
Taking train opposite direction where the commuters are going
Arrived to Bukit Panjang
Started my hike here behind Junction 10, this is a Railway Route (google map)
It will be one STRAIGHT path until the end of this journey
Let's do this journey with me
I will try to snap a picture of the scenery whenever it changes
Since you can't use Google map to walk through within, perhaps this will help
And sometimes you will see me in the picture
Instead of just a straight path, some interesting thing which might interest you is some of the tall trees around here. They have seen a great change from no railway, to have a railway until the present.
And still growing strong. But who knows? One day when the government decides to develop this area... They will have to go... so sad...
Anyway let's carry the way down
The sky seemed gloomy today
Spotted some rocks at the side. It seemed like it was a small platform but was destroyed and discarded.
I wondered what was their original form looked like
Too bad, I am not physic to enable me to flashback to the past.
Oops Miss Rain was here
It started to rain!
But I will still continue my route as Miss Rain was just teasing me to fasten my steps.
More tall-growing trees here
Interesting vines here
Nice interesting 'platform' in front of the trees
It was the straight-est path from this point onwards
And you will realise the rural landscape is gone
As it was behind you already
A road cut into the way
Just cross over
A tall shot that I always want. Cheer!
The old abandoned building from the past
I approached it closer and observed the condition
The grass was so tall and your feet will sink deep in; even when you were there, you can't tell it is that deep.
I guess it is best to leave this abandoned house alone because it is a house for... MOSQUITOES! RUN!!!!!!!
Running far far away
Oh! Construction ahead.
OH! That familiar bridge which I can still remember three years ago
Spotted a monitor lizard swimming in the drain
I think that I was at the end of my hike somehow and time to...
Yes! Time for Cosplay here XD
Dressing up to my Quantum Suit
OOPS! I torn my middle finger
I am ready to become the FIRST person to cosplay here
The ruin here is perfect like as if...
I traveled back to the future where left, is ruin.
Searching for life form... hmm...
Fail to locate life form beside a stupid one here
My green shoes somehow don't fit in the scene, well... I have no choice
But nice debits for photos
Okay! Enough pictures taking... As my camera low batt... Oh man...
A train spotted to Kraji
I can end my hike here, but I decided to continue my hike and explore what is the end of the railway path
I continued my path up here and something unique here - surrounded by tall thin forest
OOO an overhead bridge
It seemed like you can climb up here
an overview of where I ended my climb at
Look at the straight path and you can imagine the train used to travel here
I found an open station but just a place for MOSQUITOES!
I continued down
And found a construction going on here. (google map) So I returned back to the bridge and continued my way up
21km? Hmm... Have I covered so far? I checked I think it meant the journey if you started from the terminal.
When I was about to finish this part of the route, There are two drain-like ponds,
Looks quite deep though
Spotted a flowered plant which I don't use to see it on a daily bases
oooo Had I finished the hike yet?
oooo! This railway corridor has become a heritage trail.
I checked on my Google Map app, realised behind me (across the road) has more railway route.
Here is also part of the ex-railway path, let's continue
An obvious footpath to lead your way ahead
Along the path, you will see Mother Nature is consuming the bike halfway
Hmm... I realised this path, there are many trees fallen down
It seemed like it happened some time ago
Looking back and investigated the situation... the side slope...
It seemed like in every forth tree will be the fallen one.
Another reason for the fallen one because of its shallow root system. That reminds a Great Teacher taught us that if we have a weak faith (like the root system) we will fall easily.
This path just reminds me of the lesson that nature wants me to learn
I appreciate what Nature has taught me today
Hmmm... End of path?
Errr... I guess my hike ended here :D
On the right side, I found an interesting bridge
Feeling like I am at some oversea trip
Look how colourful bridge!
This is named as Rainbow Bridge :)
This rainbow bridge will carry across this big drain
I was stared by the workers here. hahaha... Awkward!
Quite neat on how they arranged the bike
Time to end my hike and take a train back
Great, safe and smooth hike.
Time to explore other places sooner


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