Friday, March 13, 2020

Hiking - Looking for Something

Good Morning Blog,

Today morning (since it was weekday meaning lesser crowd? LOL) I decided to visit Chestnut Nature Park to hunt for some local insect. I will tell you what I am looking for if I managed to find it. So it will be a short slow hike.

Nice Mr Sun, you were in full strength.
Combing my messy hairs and getting ready
yesterday I went to the island and got suntan which might sunburnt especially my neck area, today I might risk myself more.
But I can't sit at home not doing anything to grow my fat, and yes I know I am out of shape and untoned, so be it.
Will start my hike by traveling to the nearby station
Cloudless sky today :3
hmmm... don't know why my hand got a sudden numb
While others on their way to work, I went opposite.
Started from Cashew station
I thought of trying to walk while wearing my t-shirt but I really can't do it... My t-shirt got soaked with my smelly sweat.
Peaceful morning with birds chirping and a gentle breeze to cool my body
Let's go and explore with me
I will start up here
Let me start digging and flipping the logs. Hmm... nothing much than ants...
Some interesting insect
Random grasshopper is everything and mosquitoes!
Let go up the observation tower and admire the greenery
And let have a photo session up here
Time to let my imagination flows. I went up the platform and waiting for aliens...
Time to fly up to the spacecraft
The aliens placed me on the operation table and started their experiment
okay lah, enough of my stupid imagination. let's continue hunting
I tried to flip over some logs and suddenly an insect ran out toward me nearly freaked me out. I checked it was a wood cockroach nymph. very shy fellow.
Trying to look cool with Mr Sun behind me
Almost ended our North Zone of Chestnut route
I love to explore further but the sun was so warm and missed the suntanning moment.
Time to explore the South zone of Chestnut park
I can't believe that I had spent such a long time at Chestnut. Hahaha...
Let's focus on hunting
Red fungus :)
I can't find anything there. I guess I need to really go deeper into the wood to find what I want to find.
interesting route I managed to cover :)
I will do it again next time.


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