Sunday, February 24, 2019

Personal - My First Kayaking Experience

Good Afternoon Blog,

It will be a short and simple blog post for my Sunday afternoon experience - my first Kayaking experience.

A group of youth and teens - we agreed to try out Kayaking at Kallang Wave.
Let's go after a short briefing of the boundary and after kayak exercises - we need to wash up the kayak boats as the algae will grow on it.
XY and I will take the double seater because no more single seater boat (left two) and the blue boats were for those who already have kayaking cert.

Trying so hard to take pictures when the sun shone hard on our faces.
Come on YZ and J, smile at the camera
J's sister, J - Too shy for camera (it was my phone actually)
WOW! I can't believe we sailed for some distance away
Thank you XY for guiding me patiently which I know nothing about Kayaking. I can't roll properly.
Let's continue to sail to elsewhere.
J also taught us some tricks on how to petal. He still remembered his kayak skills.
J and J plus another older J and XY
Even though we had a tiring activity on the water, there was some hiccup too. Due to my noobness for Kayaking, our boat knocked onto J's boat and he capsized!
Right after he capsized, a speedboat approached asap and saved him. What an experience. I need to be careful of what is ahead of me.
Kayaking is a tiring and core-demanding exercise! Too bad, I am not young and have a lot of commitments shouldered on me, if I am still young, I will take kayaking as CCA so I can sail for free and be fit and healthy. Feeling sinking awhile then QH texted me and told me that she also wants to kayak. She used to kayak during her youth age and she did round-island before. But now, it has been 20 years and due to her health condition, she can only do kayaking at a relax pace.

Yeah... No time to regret, I will do whatever I can. Just like QH, she will do at her own means and I will too.


Updated on 2nd Sep 2019
I went for another Kayaking activity. You can read up more about it here.



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