Saturday, March 14, 2020

Personal - Weekend Activities

Hi Blog,

Due to the virus episode in the whole world, many of my duties and events got cancelled until further notice (even though, there were some other meetings will carry on) so once it was cancelled, which meant that I have some time for myself. In this post, I will share with you what I had been doing during this weekend.

On the Saturday morning, Yes! you are right! I went out with my waifu.
Wow, Mr Sun was out already, his light was so strong and I could feel the heat.
I have to hurry as I dragged my time too much preparing.
To think again... I really love white and why others just keep on trying to convince me otherwise? Sigh...
Back to my quiet place and enjoyed the tranquility
Blue blue sky calmed my mind and mood down
Even the flowing water just carried my emotions and worries away
A little of a me-time is good :)
At least, there is no better or worse comparison but just me.
I am not that handsome or well endowed or rigged person in this current world...
Just being me engaging in whatever activities I like.
*SNAP* from my waifu. She wanted me to clean her, So sorry my waifu, I didn't do a good cleaning job for you, now under a better lighting, I can wipe it clean.
Time to do some reading session but got distraction from kids cycling and running around.
Got a bit tired. Take a long afternoon nap, ZN texted me to meet up. His meeting got postponed so he had time to spare and wanted to go for a hiking.

430pm, Mr Sun was drunk with his strength, just got too SUNNY!
I barely opened my eyes widely and I could feel the heat from my suit.
Long time no see ZN after he moved to another place. I think the requirement to be a good looking person is a THICK eye brow and I don't have. I only have a weak one... No wonder, I am shxtty.
Anyway, since ZN wanted and has not been to my quiet place, I decided to bring him there and so I can experience the evening sky at Upper Peirce.
Wow! Evening time walking along this road was... TOO BRIGHT!
Lucky there are trees blocking Mr Sun's strong rays.
Funny thing was, I came here this morning and now I had to do it again, but to me, I just simply reset myself and experienced this again.
Thanks ZN for helping for this shot
Let's continue because we were quite slow though
Wow! Evening Upper Peirce was a whole new experience
It gave a warm touch up on the picture.
If I have vehicle, I will visit this place often.
Thanks ZN for helping. Check out the colour - bright and rich.
I wished to stay here to witness the sunset, but ZN wanted to go back early. Hahaha
Then last snaps for the day :) ZN got annoyed to snap pictures for me. I guess it is normal for good looking person to feel annoyed for having to snap ugly people's pictures.
Hmmm... SO what are you looking at? Oh yes! I found a jogger jogged into an unknown path along the slope and we decided to follow to explore. There is a path!
Wow! Unexplored places - Rise my interest!
Last shot here and I will come back next time.
(on the 11th Jul 2020 - I had explored this area. You may click here to find out more)
Since we had some time, I suggested to bring ZN to visit Thomson Nature Park (just nearby).

Taking pictures at the ruins and feeding mosquitoes, were quite an experience here
I had a few wild ideas but just keep it to myself. LOL!
Don't snap my fat butt
Okay! You can take now.
ZN found a vine hanging from the tree and he had wild idea to give this vine a test. Risky move. Please don't do it.
Thanks ZN for this Last shot for the day. Sorry to annoy you.
Time to go home.
A beautiful sunset :) How I wish I am at Upper Peirce right now witnessing this. Oh well, seeing this at my floor unit was good enough too.
Time to rest my body for the next day activity.

Hmm... What will I be doing during Sunday Morning?
In white attire, where was I heading to?
Today morning was invited by W and his family to...
To Botanic Garden, Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
It is a great place for family to bond with heir kids to play with sand and run around. Best time to visit such a place either before 10am or after 4pm, to avoid Mr Sun at full strength.
There are some beautiful flowers to appreciate and I doubt anyone will stand there to study them.
And W and I behaved like a little old uncle-kid climbed up to the stiff tree :) Nice tree to grow; I wonder what is its name?
Phew... What a day... Taking care of kids isn't easy task. By Noon, I felt so tired and knock off until evening time, then started drafting my blog. :) Somemore to go! What do you do during weekend?


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