Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Blog - December Overview

Hi Blog,

It is December already. Time passes fast. The commitment to maintain my blog diary is high if I don't write anything, I will feel incomplete. I am thinking of changing the overview post for 2020... What do you think if I keep this overview post as yearly than a monthly overview? Will it be better?

1st Dec 2019 -
Finally Can Fly
1st Dec 2019 -
Shi Lin Market n Aiman Motel
2nd Dec 2019 -
Yehliu Geopark
2nd Dec 2019 -
2nd Dec 2019 -
2nd Dec 2019 -
Going Hualian
3rd Dec 2019 -
Taroko National Park
3rd Dec 2019 -
Sanxiantai n Goya Hot Spring
4th Dec 2019 -
EDA World
4th Dec 2019 -
Liuhe Market Meetup
5th Dec 2019 -
Qingjing Farm
5th Dec 2019 -
Carton King
6th Dec 2019 -
Sun Moon Lake
6th Dec 2019 -
Going to Taichung
7th-8th Dec 2019 -
Last Days
20th Dec 2019 -
Reward Myself
24th Dec 2019 -
Half Day Hike
26th Dec 2019 -
Full Eclipse
27th Dec 2019 -
Trisuit Theme #26
28th Dec 2019 -
Cycle and Hike
31st Dec 2019 -
Yi Xin Vegetarian
December Randomness
Check it out

Personal - December Randomness

Hi Blog,

This year December is a busy month for me. I barely have time to draft my blog and having a me-time... I look at my own schedule for Dec, it is packed with programmes and none of my weekends allows me to go for a good hike.

Personal - Xin Yi Vegetarian Stall (closed)

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post and today is the last day of 2019, I decided to drop by my sister's vegetarian stall which started on the 1st Nov 2019.

Yi Xin vegetarian located at Joo Koon Mall

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Personal - Sat Cycle and Hike

Good Morning Blog,

Due to almost zero motivation... At least there was one good reason for me to go for a workout.

Good morning Mr Sun :D

Friday, December 27, 2019

Personal - Suits to the Theme #26

Hi Blog,

Once again, my trisuit theme had completed and include a new one from Compresssport. If you missed out on my previous none, you can click here. I guessed to complete a theme right outside my house will be easier. Hahaha...

Jogging - Dec Jogging

Hi Blog,

Due to my busy schedule and rainy days during Dec, my jogging chance was greatly reduced. So I will treasure the moment when I can jog and this post will be a short one.

Thanks Miss Sky to have a good evening for me to jog

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Personal - Singapore Solar Eclipse on 26 Dec 2019

Hi Blog,

Oh my oh my! I was shocked by a casual comment from my colleague, "Did you know today got an eclipse?". "WHAT?! an ECLIPSE TODAY?!" Immediately, I googled.

OH MY! THIS TIME IT IS A FULL ECLIPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In 2016, We had an eclipse in SG before. (link) But I was not as excited as today's eclipse.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Hiking - Half Day Hike

Merry Christmas eve Blog,

Half day of working... So what should I do next? Haha. Yes, I decided to go for a short hike and managed to get a friend to bring me around exploring that place, let's do it!

Where will I be hiking then?

Friday, December 20, 2019

Product - Reward Myself

Hi Blog,

This year 2019 is my first year working under the government sector and I received my FIRST 13th month; so I decided to save some and rewarded myself too.

I bought these and guess what are these?

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 7 and 8 - Last Day at Taipei

Hi Blog,

In this post, I decided to put two days together in a post because I was rather tired and felt less excited when came to a city area. So after a big round of Taiwan, we finally made it back to Taipei again.

Mr Lin brought us to Grand Hotel Taipei

Friday, December 6, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 6 - Going to Taichung

Good Evening Blog,

It will be a short post because I got rather tired after recovery from sickness. We were on our way to Taichung because our trip was going to come to the end; especially when we were heading to the city, no more natural scenery.

I will make this post a quick one.

WOW! What a small world! I bumped to my SG friend who was also visiting Taiwan with his family. Why Small world? We were told to stop at one of the streets at Tai Chung and we walked for a distance for a toilet break at Macdonald. Then my friend was happened to pass by and decided to have a toilet break too, while I was standing at the entrance waiting for my relatives' return. Can you imagine, a slight change of timing or distance or thought, we might not meet here.

Trip - Taiwan - Day 6 - Sun Moon Lake

Good Morning Blog,

Today I felt a bit better but I lost my appetite somehow... At least, I can walk and no heartburn but it did affect my emotions.

Our first stop for the Sixth day - Wenwu Temple

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 5 - Carton King

Hi Blog,

Qingjing Farm was a great place to visit except the cold was OMG. The next stop was an interesting one!

Welcome to a place where made up of a material

Trip - Taiwan - Day 5 - Qingjing Farm

Good Morning Blog,

Seeing many of my friends' IG posts and pictures, today we will be going to that place where I always wish to visit in Taiwan - Qingjing Farm.

Are we ready for it? hmmm... my nephew was busy with his phone.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 4 - Liuhe Night Market Meet Up

Hi Blog,

Forth day seemed like less excited than previous days, after EDA World visit where is not for older people like me... the young-couples just made me feel so lousy... next, we came to Liuhe Night Market.

Liuhe Night Market is located at Kaohsiung.

Trip - Taiwan - Day 4 - EDA World

Good Morning Blog,

On Our Fourth day of Taiwan trip, Mr Lin explained that we were going from the South to the West side of Taiwan. Our first stop will be visiting a theme park - EDA World.

Along our way to the theme park. Mr Lin wanted us to appreciate the bridge structure.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 3 - Sanxiantai and Goya Hot Spring Hotel

Good Afternoon Blog,

Day 3 Taiwan trip was one of my favourite because of the visit to Taroto National Park and this one.

We were on our way down to Taitung

Trip - Taiwan - Day 3 - Taroko National Park

Good Morning Blog,

Time to travel again and to one of my favourite places listed in the itinerary. After breakfast, we loaded our luggage and I helped out to load.

then Mr Lin awarded me this as a token of appreciation for helping out, as he shared that many tourists will just stand and wait for the driver or even him to load the luggage for them, so when he witnessed someone who helps out, is encouraging.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 2 - Going Hualian

Good Evening Blog,

After rushing ourselves from releasing Lanterns at Shifen (link), we had arrived...

Yilian Train station to take train to Hualian
Based on Mr Lin, the route from Yilian to Hualian (google link) is dangerous and risky due to the frequency of rockfalls.

Trip - Taiwan - Day 2 - Shifen

Hi Blog,

After Visit of Jiufen (link) and next is Shifen. Jiufen is nine parts/shares, then Shifen is ten parts/shares? Based on Mr Lin, we were rushing for time, so when we arrived, we needed to double up to "complete the tasks". Sounded suxk here...

Shifen is the only place where you can release lanterns

Trip - Taiwan - Day 2 - Jiufen

Good afternoon Blog,

On the second day of our Taiwan trip, we were chasing the time from point to point. After a short visit at Yeliu Geopark (link), we were going to Jiufen. When I heard the name Jiufen, I translated it into "nine shares/parts"; funny name though.

To Jiufen, We had to travel up to a mountain. From this angle, I can see a bit of Yeliu.

Trip - Taiwan - Day 2 - Yehliu Geopark

Good morning Blog,

After a short sleeping time, we were awoken by the morning phone call 630am... yawning...

It was 8am and ready to explore other parts of Taiwan, but the sky was a bit moody.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 1 - Shi Lin Market and Amain Boutique Motel

Hi Blog,

I was confused now as the sky got so dark when we arrived to ShiLin market.

here we were! NIGHT MARKET!

Trip - Taiwan - Day 1 - Finally Can Fly

Yawning.. Ah... Good Morning Blog,

Woke up like 530am today.... Because...
Today I will be flying to Taiwan with my mother and relatives. To be honest, we don't need to reach the airport so early... but my mother just wanted to go early for breakfast...