Friday, December 20, 2019

Product - Reward Myself

Hi Blog,

This year 2019 is my first year working under the government sector and I received my FIRST 13th month; so I decided to save some and rewarded myself too.

I bought these and guess what are these?
Yes, I bought one trisuit and Tron - one piece cycling gear
Let's look at the new trisuit

This unknown brand trisuit looks serious into the choice of the fabric used and inner sew to hide the ugly threading.
Here it is :) Time to jog in it
Jogging with it, feel comfortable unlike other known brands, this one hugged me well.
What do you think of this from the first view?
That trisuit from Compressport, can be found on every online sites but somehow doesn't gain any attention though. If you want to buy, you should buy it from eBay because it is cheaper than other sites (but I didn't get it from eBay though).
- eBay here
- Shopee here
- Qoo10 here

The next product is for my waifu.

I bought a new handle for my waifu :) Now she is great to hold my hands with.
Next is my obsession on Tron product. After my design for a customised cycling jersery, the market started to flood my design and sell as theirs. Oh well, that actually helps me to get it at a more affordable price.

a picture of my whole tron collection - Left (2nd customised cycling jersey) 2nd (the recent NEW order, full suit), 3rd (Speedsuit which somehow too LOOSE, disappointed) and right, the 4th one (my first customised cycling jersey)
When I opened its sleeves, hmmm... some error spotted...
Overall, the error doesn't spoil the overall design and this kind of "error" is necessary because if they sell the design with 100% like tron might get them into trouble. So a slight difference won't hurt (since I got the original one myself, LOL)
This one-piece Tron cycling suit looks great and my dream fulfilled.
I am a Tron fan but know nothing about the plot HAHAHA!
I just love the cybernetic world in Tron movie
How I wish my waifu...
and my tron suit can....
light up like in the movie.
Oh well, even though in real life, I can't light up like in the movie, but in my mind, my waifu and myself always light up forever.
I cycled to ECP and realised that the park is different from its past and it looks so beautiful now. :) 
Hmmm... Where is Mr Tan? Funny but really feel appreciated when my colleague asked me for a ride and exploration.
I start to love this final version of my tron product. It looks perfect. Just like how I wish to have a closer bond with colleagues (like building friendship) if possible, than just working relationship. My tron design finally crystallised!
Oh yes, This is Mr Tan, a teacher who is a teacher, helping him for a photoshoot during his wedding and now become his friend with fewer words and trust.
Love the light on my tyres but... Somehow.. It can't last long...
Did a night cycle to Sentosa :) 
I can't believe I did this and had to work in the next day.
As explored deeper in Sentosa, we realised the beach is very quiet and great to bring my date there if there is any...

Oh one exciting thing I have to share with you, is this UV swing area. Something which awes me.
Day time we can Sun tan, but night time, we can UV tan. Haha.
I can just sleep here if there is no mosquito...
Time to cycle home, long ride but refreshing experience.
Next thing that I rewarded myself is to complete my encyclopedia collection and instead of 52 books (based on my previous post) I realised there are 62 books in total which means I need to collect 15 more books.

So I had to order from Amazon UK then shipped to vPost UK then back to SG... Double shipping cost... Oh well, let's remove this from my wishlist.
A thank-you note from Sapphire Books. Love such customer service.
So excited opening the parcels like back into the old time.
I counted and realised... I missed out one book! Oh man! And to make the whole thing worst... Volume 62 is out of stock which means I can't complete the whole series at all! Feeling shxtty... There is always one thing, just one thing which unable completion... Similar to my love life, my work life, myself... Since I am not completed, why can't I complete others?
Oh well, I have to learn to be contented and stop comparing. I did my best already. Just enjoy the moment :)


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