Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 4 - Liuhe Night Market Meet Up

Hi Blog,

Forth day seemed like less excited than previous days, after EDA World visit where is not for older people like me... the young-couples just made me feel so lousy... next, we came to Liuhe Night Market.

Liuhe Night Market is located at Kaohsiung.
Kaohsiung is the second busy city in Taiwan. It has one of the wider road space than Taiwan.
Night Market is quite common in foreign countries, Singapore won't have such place.
Where people can gather and have their dinner/supper
Whatever noise they make here, just become a norm
A welcome sign to Liuhe night market
Thanks, Heaven we have the only vegetarian stall in this night market, do give this stall a support
Smelly bean-fries!
The smelly bean-fries looks so good, even Android 18 wants to try. But after tasted... I will stick to the traditional curd style.
And I won't miss out fried mushrooms too
Still yummy :3
I bought TWO! XD
oooo! They sell Chestnut here too
Hot and steamy
Check out the size of the nut! :D but after I tried it back in the hotel... It sticks to its shell...
As the sky got darker... the crowds were getting denser.
Thanks my aunt to take this picture for me before the crowd
Quiet corner
hmmm... dark picture though... I received a message from my Taiwanese friend
AH! JD was here!
I can't believe JD spared some time out to meet me and decided to take public transport like the local
What a beautiful station - Formosa Boulevard Station 美麗島站
JD taught me how to purchase a ticket (coin) for myself.
Similiar feel like Singapore train station
I should stand at the right side than left at the escalator in Taiwan
So exciting to experience how the local travels
on the train to Sizihwan 西子灣站
After the end of the train ride, you can discard the coin after used.
JD wanted me to try one of their famous places...
渡船頭海之冰 Harbourfront Sea Ice (link)
JD went and placed the order.
I ate too full and barely can eat anymore
But shared dessert was good enought, and it was a BIG bowl though
Thanks JD for the treat and we had a good chatting session
this Harbourfront Sea Ice did rather well, they extend their stall next door.
This place, Sizihwan, is rather lesser crowded than Liuhe market
JD was kind enough to walk me back to my hotel, and the locals don't walk from point to point. They will rather take a vehicle. But lucky, we didn't and passed by witnessing this awesome scene
Look empty and usual train track
but night time, this train tracks will dance!
beautiful, isn't it?
I wanted to take some more pictures but I think it was best not to drag JD further as he needs to travel back home to rest for the next day of work.
Finally back to the hotel and this hotel looks rather costly
pretty lilted up reception counter
Quite high class though
Love the carpet style
Nice comforting room :)
And it has nice balcony view
Oh yes Bathtub :D Shall I use it again?
hmmm... My nephew was with his parents and I was left alone, either I sleep early or...
used the bathtub and have a warm-warm shower? Hmm... yeah! Perhaps I should :D
Time to review my purchase for the days. Sweet, I got myself a set of clothing and eggs which I can add into my plain meal.
OH! Tomorrow we will be going up to the mountain! (link) NICE! better sleep early.


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