Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Personal - December Randomness

Hi Blog,

This year December is a busy month for me. I barely have time to draft my blog and having a me-time... I look at my own schedule for Dec, it is packed with programmes and none of my weekends allows me to go for a good hike.

9th Dec 2019 - After back from Taiwan, started to go back to work right away and brought some taiwan-snacks for my colleagues. Just gain extra 2.5kg from Taiwan... Feeling awful and disappointed with myself... To make it worse... It rains like everyday hence I can't cycle daily to work. What's wrong? Miss Cloud. why are you feeling sad?
16th Dec 2019 - It has been a while since I visited my garden at the corridor. I am glad to see my Mr Gecko still alive. It really like this place :)
17th Dec 2019 - Tuesday, I took the last day of my leave to visit one of my old friends (past post) who shifted his bikestore to here. I heard his setback and glad that he still tries to hang on. I will visit you whether I can.
17th Dec 2019 - Our Taiwanese ZY visited us and we had a great time tasting Indian food and HTHT until late night. Tired but I will be fine.
19th Dec 2019 - Tri really surprised me with her gift through mail. Last year, we exchanged gifts with one another and this year, she surprised me with her. (you can read the post about it) Hahahaha. I guess I will have to get her one next time. XD
21st Dec 2019 - Once a year, my childhood playmates met up for a movie, gift exchange and had a short update-one-another session. Now we are all uncle-level and I am just a loner...
23rd Dec 2019 - Dec is a good period to have a staff bonding :) Finally viewed as a family.
26th Dec 2019 - Finally got a chance to go for a swim again. The feeling of the pool really got me. Time to swim!
29th Dec 2019 - Today morning I was a bit relented to go for a workout but I just pushed myself through and motivate myself more. But Why do I have less motivation...
30th Dec 2019 - Compared Huawei and EX-FR100, I still don't know which one I prefer.... both have its pros and cons.
31st Dec 2019 - I thought I will be living my eve alone but BP and XY still ask me out for a movie session and it was fun :) Happy 2020 to my blog!

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