Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Personal - Singapore Solar Eclipse on 09 March 2016

Hi Blog,

Today is a special day to be mentioned and I learned a lot from this event - There is a solar eclipse to be spotted in Singapore, not fully but around 80% of the sun will be covered. Even though solar eclipse can happen every year but it can only happen at certain portion of the Earth surface and it has to be at the right place and time in order to view such phenomena. 

Here is the link to read more about Eclipse, quite educational and I also include Youtube video for quick information about it below.


Okay, why it matters to me?

Because I am a fan of Astronomy; not that nerdy enough, but love to check the night sky and wonder deeply. In the past, Singapore has a few eclipses which I missed it when I was young, due to I was schooling or busy doing something. (here is the link for more details and updates about future Eclipses happen in Singapore) but today is the day when I am able to witness it with my own eyes and time! On 9th March 2016, there will have a Solar eclipse at 8:23am! (reference link) and I am working but no lesson during that period!

Pinhole Projector Method
So in order to see that eclipse, I tried a few methods. One is to make a pinhole projector (below are how to make an awesome pinhole projector)

I think I didn't prepare for this, whereas I didn't have time to watch the videos, I simply get a cardboard then plug a pen-size hole (MISTAKE!) Then I got this result (below)

I have to make a wide space to see a clearer image of the sun
this is what I see
somemore like Justice Bao!
Double sun???
Multi-layers Shades Method
Out of desperation, one of the teachers made multi-layers of shades which worked well! I tried to focus my DSLR to get some of the pictures.

Quite nice
What a treat!
Everyone trying to look through that shades than my failed pinhole projector. LOL

Cloud-Shade Method
This was the moment when a thick cloud covered the sun and thin enough to show the solar eclipse too. With the DSLR in my hands, I quickly focused at the sun (there is a RISK of doing it, so not advisable due to it will FRY your eyes if the cloud moved away too fast or isn't thick enough to shade) Just five seconds of the moment, everyone looked up the sky and embraced the scene. 

See how fast the cloud moved. I was happy and felt touched. 

looking at the images I took.
I have to thanks God for such arrangement. 
My proudest shot of all!
Then suddenly there was a fire drill in our school, every students and staff moved out to the parade square. Again, the dark cloud came, but the moon had moved away. (shown below)

Too bad, most of the students missed out the golden timing of the eclipse. 


Through this event, I learned something - Time. Based on Chinese idiom: 天時地利人和 (Literally: at the right time,in the right place with the right people or Conditions required for success; knock on wood; if everything goes according to plan; with a little luck; everything goes right.) 

For me, the most important element for the right time, right place and right person to happen, is to Prepare ourselves. If we have not prepared well enough - Just like, if I didn't learn enough how to make a proper pinhole projector, or if I might not get my DSLR ready or even charged well, or even know how operate a DSLR, or if I give up, or if I have lesson during that moment, or many more, I won't be able to witness such beautiful arrangement. Thanks God for everything. Thank you!


Below is some of the videos shared by others of the FULL solar eclipse - If I have a chance to see such phenomena, I won't want to miss it! 


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