Thursday, December 5, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 5 - Carton King

Hi Blog,

Qingjing Farm was a great place to visit except the cold was OMG. The next stop was an interesting one!

Welcome to a place where made up of a material
Welcome to Carton King Palace
I wondered what does carton king has installed for us
oooooooo! A place made of CARTON!
My nephew tried to help hmmm... at least he did his best. hahaha
Check out this sofa - Craton Sofa!
Carton chairs and table!
Beautiful Carton dinner area
Quite creative, isn't it
I wondered how is it maintained? How long can this last?
It does look nice to have if you decide to make a 100% carton furniture
Oh! Carton King welcomed us to look around
Everything really made up of carton material
They are well-maintained. It still puzzles me... did they apply/coat anything on the carton?
Now I can become a carton soldier.
or a carton gangster or cartonboy
The evening night started around 5pm.
huawei phone still can take pictures even when it got dark
Smile for the wonderful day
Weird thing happened... On our way back to hotel.... I started to feel some heartburn... I didn't feel that well and feel very cold... Then... I sensed that I will vomit... quickly requested a plastic bag and I just got myself ready... True enough, I vomited three full loads of whatever stomach content... Feeling weak and can't have dinner later... I just moved back to my room and rested with my clothes on... My nephew tried his best to take care of me...

here was the name of our hotel - Tai-Yi Red Maple Resort 台一红枫度假酒店
I woke up after three hours of resting... feeling better though and I tried to capture some pictures
Nice platform with a Japanese theme and a big plushie accompanying us - love this room
They have the most beautiful toilet in my whole trip. Check out the size of the bathtub!
My mother and relatives, and another joined family gave me medicines
before I can consume the medicine, I started to feel something is coming up from my throat, quickly grabbed the rubbish bin and puked my heart out. Finally... feeling great :)

A snap of my today purchase - six stone display stands.
Time for a good spa and perhaps it will be my last used in a bathtub, as I sensed it is a waste of water...
After a good sleep... I was Feeling better but can't really explore this resort well.
Time to go on our next stop. (link)


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