Monday, December 2, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 2 - Yehliu Geopark

Good morning Blog,

After a short sleeping time, we were awoken by the morning phone call 630am... yawning...

It was 8am and ready to explore other parts of Taiwan, but the sky was a bit moody.
Quiet street of Tuchang
Mr Lin showed us a rough itinerary of our eight days trip in Taiwan. The numbered were the days where we will be at. Good reference from Mr Lin.
it was a windy day, just look at how the trees bend
based on the Mr Lin, he told us that Dec is a maroon season hence the weather was unpredictable.
We were reaching Yeliu where many Taiwanese work as a fishmonger/fisherman. 
Yeliu is a big harbour city!
Hmm in the morning... this weather made it seemed like evening time
We were going to visit Yeliu Geopark
Thanks Mr Lin for helping us for this group picture.
Here are the things which you can see at Yeliu Geopark
or Yehliu Nature Center... Hmmm... Can help to firm up the name?
Here lays a rock which is millions years old
Those who has Trypophobia, won't like this place
It seemed like lesser crowd for the moment
Nicely designed entrance ticket I must say - simple and elegant
Warning sign to all visitors here
Windy shoreline and 'strong' welcome-greeting from the ocean. Thank you Mr Sea
Mr Lin told us, at the far corner situated that Queen Head (left image) which might be gone in a few years due to corrosion.
It seemed like I can forget of taking picture with the queen head as the queue started to build up and I was alone...
For me, I was just awed by the sight of strength of the water.
Plus the endless vastness of the ocean. Mother Nature is working hard here.
At least a picture with my mother than queen head. :)
Hmmm so sorry that I didn't spend time reading who is this person
Trying to take a picture here and didn't realise that I was at danger boundary and got chased off by the ranger there. Oh well, at least I got the picture and I am safe. XD
Another picture which might cause Trypophobia.
Yeliu Geopark is quite big, there are two zones for you to have a close inspection and photo sessions at.
beautiful rock, isn't it?
I really want to read up more about it and spend some time to study it, but... we were only allowed to stay here for 30mins. And when I took this picture, I only left 10 mins...
As I looked down, I found something interesting
It is a Sand dollar and it is a million years old sand dollar!
I found some elsewhere too. Amazing!
This one is amazing. it is a fossil of a sea plant!
Beautiful Sand Dollar which outlives every visitor here.
Since I can't take a picture of the queen-head, why not an ugly dog face?
To many people, it is just a line... To me, it is a layer and layer of Earth building history book. Each layer explains a different event that happened at that moment.
The red marking is to warn visitors not to cross over it - danger zone due to heavy waves and slippery ground
I just wished I have more time to explore here
Surprise surprise. No one was here! XD
Thanks to my "photographer" to take pictures for me
A table of veiny rock
Or table :D
Just look the size of it. Come on, Smile :D
let's take some epic shot here
Exploring deeper and deeper
I realised that I only left 3 mins left...
Searching for fossils around here
A fossil under me and something which will to be a fossil (maybe) sitting on it
Or fake fossil
1 min left, I hurried my way back to the bus coach and snapped a picture of the Queen head
and a fake queen head
plus a drawing on the floor
Short time spent at Yeliu... Oh well... I hope I can visit this place again.
At least I took some great pictures with myself and spotted some fossils, feeling satisfying. Our next stop was JiuFen (link)


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