Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Personal - Xin Yi Vegetarian Stall (closed)

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post and today is the last day of 2019, I decided to drop by my sister's vegetarian stall which started on the 1st Nov 2019.

Yi Xin vegetarian located at Joo Koon Mall
Trying to provide a mixed vegetables option to the vegetarians who work around this deserted location
Looking back for the logo design which I made for her stall, I feel so proud of it and...
The menu option which she tried to sell at the affordable price
Include other additional dishes too.
Looking at the difficult translated soup (I did it) for the day, they tasted great
Have not tried this before.
She listed out a large varieties of food options to encourage the vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Looking at the flowers from my friends to bless her business
One from Auntie H
Thank you to my bros - EK and XY for this banner.
As you can see... our logo is orange-green theme, but somehow they gave us yellow-green... First few days were not smooth...

They send someone to rectify the colour
Done! Even though it was a bit orangish but still worked.
Operation started
Almost two months later... the business was not very positive... Many leftover food...

This food court at Joo Koon Mall is kind of dead especially after 4pm... weekends are the worst. The business (after calculation) needs to meet minimum amount of $500 to sustain. But the average weekday amount is 400-450 and the weekend is 150-200... Why so? because Lesser vegetarians around here and most of them might pack theirs on their way to work in the morning. Lunch time, not every vegetarian will eat out especially in the industry area, traveling is a hassle to that mall and also not all people will go for the vegetarian option. Next, most people after work will rush home asap because it is located at the west end, no one will want to stay back. Most visitors will have settle their dinner elsewhere before coming to this location especially during the weekend. In this mall, there is NOTHING special besides a BIG decathlon.
My sis had no choice but to close this stall sooner... as the lost monthly is around $5000 (washer, and electricity and maintenance bill) I decided to come down to help her to move all her stuff and ended the business... (it is better to pay for the penalty 1900 monthly for 9 months than lost 5000 each month).
Oh well... I showed my support to her by investing some large amount of my hard-earned money but she invested more - money, time, energy and health. Well, at least, this is a good example of Hope for the Best and prepare for the Worst situation. Hoping the business will grow but also prepare for the worst situation to lose at the minimum.
Time to move the stuff
She moved most of the trays and I was busy washing plates and utensils.
Thanks to my brother drove down all the way and helped to shift things back to her house
But mishaps happened... I broke one of her loaned items which she will need to pay :(
Started from the evening, we managed to pack this vehicle fully by 1230am, then traveled to Woodland and moved everything up to her house then ended by 230am...
It was a heartfelt moment to witness siblings worked together despite it was tiring. Hope she learned this lesson and at least, she learned how to cook which might help her in the future job for now.

Updated on 2021 - due to bad traffic flow, it was best to close for good.


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