Monday, December 2, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 2 - Shifen

Hi Blog,

After Visit of Jiufen (link) and next is Shifen. Jiufen is nine parts/shares, then Shifen is ten parts/shares? Based on Mr Lin, we were rushing for time, so when we arrived, we needed to double up to "complete the tasks". Sounded suxk here...

Shifen is the only place where you can release lanterns
Check out the numbers of lanterns in the sky
There are many stores selling colourful lanterns here
A closer look at the wandering lanterns screaming "I am FREE!"
They release the lanterns along the train track (it is still a functional track) so they will clear their way when the train arrived. But have you looked around? Here is simply business for lanterns. Very commercialised.
So commericalised that the lantern (cheap one) was set up for us to write our blessings on it when we arrived.
grab a brush and start writing
A simple blessing which meant for the world - Wish everyone has a lilted lantern in them.
My nephew wrote some weird millennial-language... Yeet... He kept on saying that he can send the Yeet God to heaven.
two snaps for this side. Thank you for helping
My mother's blessing
Time to release the lantern.
A video releasing the lantern. Up up fly away.
May the wishes come true.
Just within 30mins here, and time to rush back to our bus coach to our next destination.
According to Mr Lin, he told us, for some people, releasing lanterns is not environment-friendly though... He told us... perhaps we have to think from this perspective... Release lanterns is a festive event in Taiwan. And many people who live here, need to earn a living... many will go to the city to earn a living. If everyone did that, this town will be deserted and forgotten... Taiwan Government only allows Shifen to release lanterns or special events. The whole lantern is made by nature resource, so it will help. Oh well... I guess it is an evitable option.

Anyway, time to get the train to Hualian (link).


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