Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Blog - December Overview

Hi Blog,

It is December already. Time passes fast. The commitment to maintain my blog diary is high if I don't write anything, I will feel incomplete. I am thinking of changing the overview post for 2020... What do you think if I keep this overview post as yearly than a monthly overview? Will it be better?

1st Dec 2019 -
Finally Can Fly
1st Dec 2019 -
Shi Lin Market n Aiman Motel
2nd Dec 2019 -
Yehliu Geopark
2nd Dec 2019 -
2nd Dec 2019 -
2nd Dec 2019 -
Going Hualian
3rd Dec 2019 -
Taroko National Park
3rd Dec 2019 -
Sanxiantai n Goya Hot Spring
4th Dec 2019 -
EDA World
4th Dec 2019 -
Liuhe Market Meetup
5th Dec 2019 -
Qingjing Farm
5th Dec 2019 -
Carton King
6th Dec 2019 -
Sun Moon Lake
6th Dec 2019 -
Going to Taichung
7th-8th Dec 2019 -
Last Days
20th Dec 2019 -
Reward Myself
24th Dec 2019 -
Half Day Hike
26th Dec 2019 -
Full Eclipse
27th Dec 2019 -
Trisuit Theme #26
28th Dec 2019 -
Cycle and Hike
31st Dec 2019 -
Yi Xin Vegetarian
December Randomness
Check it out

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