Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 4 - EDA World

Good Morning Blog,

On Our Fourth day of Taiwan trip, Mr Lin explained that we were going from the South to the West side of Taiwan. Our first stop will be visiting a theme park - EDA World.

Along our way to the theme park. Mr Lin wanted us to appreciate the bridge structure.
This bridge can support the weight of itself and the traffic, due to this innovative method. Each wire pulled at the different corners of the bridge and pull up by a pyramid triangle; this saves up many resources and elegance-looking.
Shortly, we had arrived at EDA World car park and...
There are loads of coach buses filled up the whole car park.
besides surprised by the number of buses here, we could hear screaming afar
oh dear... I really can't take such a ride anymore. My age is catching up and NO NO NO!
From the map, it looks like half of the size of Sentosa USS.
I really love how these renaissance-themed buildings crafted beautifully.
a giant mascot for EDA World stands at the top, watching every visitor
because I won't be going for the ride, I can browse through those shophouses within. Hmmm... nothing that interests me...
Let's me check the rides
Today EDA world was hosting many Taiwanese students and they were hiding in the building, and it was the best time for me to check the theme quietly.
They want to make this theme park - IG-able though... Hmmm...
Let me try out and failed...
Perhaps a closer shot will help? Hmm... nah... I am not model-worthy...
I am just a nerd - a lonely nerd
This theme park seemed like a 80s/90s  design
Wanted to take some pictures here though but.... the taiwanese students started to step out from the shelter and I felt a bit lousy... as I looked at many young couples showering one another loves... I just felt so shxtty...
To move on, I found this AR Experience - Ship of Souls, since it is free and I should go for it
The queue reminded me of halloween night and this one was a haunted house! Yippee!
but I can't help to ease myself as you were surrounded by student-couples... and I was alone. Okay okay breathe in and out. I will be okay.
Let's go! Here is the interior of the ship and I was ready for any jump scare
here is an example of how an AR experience looks like
and I was left alone in the ship and while the students just cleared the whole place asap. Great! I should have taken more pictures in there but... I didn't...
Should I try it?
I guessed I will focus on taking pictures
I shall pretend to be brave to fight the giant; I will try to fight my own emotions.
This one seemed mild to try but... I was alone which only makes me look awkward in front of the students
Since the time was ticking, I will just continue
This Trojan horse is nicely crafted though, don't you think so?
A drying pod similar like USS
I decided to take a mini-train back to the entrance
Sitting alone... who will want to break the couples? Hahaha
Bye bye EDA World
Spent some time at high-class shophouses like orchard road.
As I mentioned in my previous post, we were on our way to attend some unplanned itinerary, this time around, we were...

at a pearl store
The presenter explained the "magic" of pearl and pearl powder patiently.
Oh well... I won't buy that though and since it is an animal product...
Anyway, we were hungry now... time to visit another night market! (link)


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