Sunday, December 8, 2019

Trip - Taiwan - Day 7 and 8 - Last Day at Taipei

Hi Blog,

In this post, I decided to put two days together in a post because I was rather tired and felt less excited when came to a city area. So after a big round of Taiwan, we finally made it back to Taipei again.

Mr Lin brought us to Grand Hotel Taipei
This hotel is beautiful in its own way and it is very expensive to stay in.
From outside, you won't think it is a hotel than a temple related
Long time that we have never dub
happy to travel together
After a group photo, Our next stop was...

National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine -  a place where has some deep history about. You can read more here
Smart uniform for selective alpha male only based on Mr Lin's comment.
As a loser, I can only salute them.
We were told to stay in this area than exploring deeper because there will have a parade sooner.
I guess I will just take a picture then
Honour Taiwan
What an Interesting parade which they did it every day in the noon and evening
When you come to Taiwan especially on the guided tour, there is a compulsory place in the itinerary - Taipei 101.

Yes, The iconic Taipei landmark - Taipei 101
It stands tall and looking down at the commuters.
Knowing the reason some special features of taipei 101 which you can obtain some information online, time to walk around and wasting our time. The shopping places in Taipei 101 is just like SG orchard road for the wealthy.
Ximenting was our last night market for our Taiwan trip
This place is so crowded and I was poor... So I only walked around here and there
Wanted to buy something but nah...
Knowing the hotel is located near Ximenting market, I just went back and rest myself
Busy packing not just my stuff but had to pack my mother's purchase too
Morning time, we didn't need to wake up early like those days, so we can explore the shophouses
Time to go back to SG
Honestly... feeling rather tired. I really missed SG and the natural sceneries.
At least, there is something for me to write in my blog and hope it won't bore you.


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