Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Blog - January Overview

Hi Blog,

It seemed like having a table to keep track of my blog posts for the month, was a great idea. :) Hope you will like it.
4th Jan 2018 -
My RSS Setup
4th Jan 2018 -
Bloglovin App
6th Jan 2018 -
Accompanying My Mum
6th Jan 2018 -
Ling Zhi Vegetarian
6th Jan 2018 -
Celebrating Mom's Bday
7th Jan 2018 -
Katong Swimming Complex
8th Jan 2018 -
KickStart my hobby
9th Jan 2018 -
Tron Again
10th Jan 2018 -
SG VFT Survivor Clones
11th Jan 2018 -
UFO Bicycle Hub Light
15th Jan 2018 -
Run my Lazy Butt
17th Jan 2018 -
Too much thoughts
8th Jan 2018 -
About The Blog
17th Jan 2018 -
About Jeff
18th Jan 2018 -
About My Hobbies
16th Jan 2018 -
My Other Social Media
19th Jan 2018 -
Drop me a Message
19th Jan 2018 -
First Time Applying
Update -
My Trunk Collection
22nd Jan 2018 -
Sundew Jar Update
22nd Jan 2018 -
WSLCE Tron Attire
27th Jan 2018 -
Tron Cycling Jersey
29th Jan 2018 -
My Past CP Collection
29th Jan 2018 -
My Past Nep Collection
29th Jan 2018 -
My Past VFT Collection
29th Jan 2018 -
My Past Other CP Collection
31st Jan 2018 -
2017 Resolution Reflection
Check out my
January Randomness

Personal - Random January

Hi Blog,

Having Overview and Random post, really helped me to maintain the content and detail on this blog. Hope my readers will like it too. I will continue to make a random post monthly and overview post too. Do give me some feedback if possible.

Personal - My 2017 Resolution Reflection

Hi Blog,

Before I start my new year 2018 resolutions. I will reflect my 2017 resolution. It will be a length boring post, so you can skip it.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Personal - My Past Other CP Collection

Hi Blog,

Beside VFT and Nep, I also tried other Carnivorous Plants like Sarracenia, Pinguicula and Drosera. I was immune by the outcome.

Growing Sarracenia (America Pitcher Plants) actually quite fun but... they are seasonal plants like VFT.

Personal - My Past VFT Collection

Hi Blog,

Here is about my Venus Flytrap (Dionaea Muscipula) past collection. Previously I tried to grow them under light setting (below), they grew well for me for some months after that, all just died off...

I think the reason why they died - highly possible was they can't take our heat well.
Despite of install a cooling fan to cool them, they still said farewell to me... oh well... at least I still keep some of my dead VFT photos.

Personal - My Past Nep Collection

Hi Blog,

Getting Nepenthes (Asian Pitcher Plant) is due to I failed to grow Dionaea Muscipula (Venus FlyTrap). Collecting Nep is because of it's unique peristome (layman term: it's lip/mouth of it's pitcher) That's why when you check on the pictures of nep online, you will tend to see many people took pictures of it's peristome. The more defined it's teeth showed or colourful it is, the more popular,costly and be treasured. You can google these well-known nep "Nep Hamata or Edwardsiana or Veitchii or Lowii or lowii-cross", just look at the pictures and tell me how you feel about it.

Personal - My Past Carnivorous Plant Collection

Hi Blog,

I happened to scan through my old hard disk and found all my past carnivorous plant pictures. So in this post, I won't go into detail. I will just summarise my whole experience - I grew many, bought many and failed to grow them... eventually painful lesson learned and money went down to drain. What is left behind, is the pictures of my glorious dead carnivorous plants.

My growing area of CP since 2007
I will advise my readers if you are reading it... Don't be like me... Overambitious unless you have a lot of money to waste for trial and error. Even if many claimed it is an easy plant etc etc, but to prevent painful lost, we just have to collect it one by one; keep it small. Hence it is maybe easy for certain people but it will be a different gameplay for individual. Like mine, lack of humidity as I stay at high floor, the condition is windy. Noon time, my place will be SUPER HOT and most of my plants will get scorched by it.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Product - My Tron Design Suit Arrived

Hi Blog,

It is a short post. Finally after a month of long waiting... It had arrived safely - My customised Tron Cycling jersey!

So happy!
Let's check what is the difference between my previous design and this.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Product - WSLCE Tron Attire

Hi Blog,

This evening I received a good from Taobao (link link) and yes, it is my favourite Tron attire; different from my cycling jersey. This one is special!

There are top and pants of it.
Let me wear it to see how it looks like!

Plants - Sundew Jar Update

Hi Blog,

Previously (Post link) I have made a sundew-growing jar to be tested Drosera Burmannii's (link link) hardness. I can't believe it can grow so well in office, low lighting condition. I must say it is one of the EASIEST sundew to start with.

I grow it infront of my desk.
In this short post, I will share with you how hardness this plant is!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Personal - First Time Applying

Dear Blog,

It will be a short post but today it marked as a big material milestone in my life; a sense of achievement. After working for 12+ years (excluding part-time), I finally made the margin of earning requirements for applying for a credit card.

After careful research online (link), survey and feedback from friends, I decided to get my first credit card from Standard Charter, as seemed rather suit my spending habit (even though other banks will also have more or less to offer) but Standard Charter seems “clean” and decent.

I also heard there is a roadshow for it at Expo, I went down immediately after work, after knowing my online application had been rejected on the same day.
Funny thing was that I just walked past other banks, approached Standard Charter agent, and requested to process the registration for me; he was shocked. LOL!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Jogging - Too Much Thoughts

Good Evening Blog,

I thought of making it to random post, but I took extra pictures and spent some time and thoughts over drafting a special blog post - about Jeff and my hobbies.

And due to muddy and slippery ground, I didn't manage to jog properly.
Same pose for the theme

Monday, January 15, 2018

Jogging - Run my Lazy Butt

Hi Blog,

Current Singapore weather measured at its SG lowest temperature, recorded 21 degree!!! We had four cool raining days and nights! During the weekend, I couldn't go for any outdoor activity, feeling rather tired and lazy; maybe because I am not great in handling cold condition, as I will enter hibernation mode.

At least today weather was positive! :)

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Product - Bicycle Hub Light

Hi Blog,

I think I am a sucker for weird and unique stuff. This time I purchased an interesting device - UFO Bicycle Hub Light from and it was affordable.

But... it took two - three weeks to arrive. Do take note of that.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Plants - SG Venus Flytraps Survivor Clones

Hi Blog,

Under this colour of light, they look like brown in colour.
I will divide this post into three parts - one will be the reason why I kick-started my dead hobby, past experience and recent collection.
  1. Past Experience in growing VFT
  2. Reasons on why I started again?
  3. Recent New CP Collection

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Product - Be Tron Again

Hi Blog,

This evening I wanted to go for a short jog but it was raining heavily... oh well... I shall spend some time to fix one of the problem I had in my TronSpidery (post) which was the shoes inside the costume, I can't sleeve my fat feet into the shoes, so...

This part of the shoes were HELL and I decided to...

Monday, January 8, 2018

Plants - Kick-start for Growing VFT

Hi Blog,

It was a short post, just to share of my revival of my old hobby of growing Venus Flytraps. In the past, I failed to grow them and wasted a lot of money on it... (trying to grow them from seeds recently but failed...) I will share the happening in another post (link)

I got light setup and plants from D
What I had observed from D's VFT sale, growing method and successful VFT growing rate, gave me some confident to give me a last try.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Swimming - Katong Swimming Complex

Hi Blog,

I had some time today before meeting my mother and her friends for her birthday treat from my brother in Bugis. My meeting in Aljunied had also ended so I decided to go for a short swim at Katong Swimming Complex nearby.

Katong Swimming Complex

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Personal - Celebrating My Mother's Bday

Hi Blog,

This year 2018 was my mother's 61st Birthday and I was thankful to see my prayer was answered. Despite my brother and sister, including me, were not attached... I do feel I didn't fulfill fillal piety enough to my parents; feeling kind of useless and unworthy for being undesirable to be picked as a BF/Husband potential candidates among the girls...


We just wanted our mother to be happy.

Food - Ling Zhi Vegetarian 靈芝

Hi Blog,

On 6th Jan was my mother's birthday so my siblings and I decided to organise a dinner treat for my mother and together with my relatives and friends (post). Let me show you around in Ling Zhi Vegetarian (official website) here.

Ling Zhi is a Chinese word for Ganoderma Mushroom.

Jogging - Accompanying My Mother

Hi Blog,

Today was my mother's birthday and I will spare this day with her. Since she was staying over at my brother's house at AMK, I will do a slow short jog to AMK then accompanied her to visit a doctor for a checkup.

Let's go!
Running with my water bag was a big no no... too loose and distracting... even though, I could have tightened it, but I didn't want to... LOL