Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Jogging - Too Much Thoughts

Good Evening Blog,

I thought of making it to random post, but I took extra pictures and spent some time and thoughts over drafting a special blog post - about Jeff and my hobbies.

And due to muddy and slippery ground, I didn't manage to jog properly.
Same pose for the theme
I thought through awhile... I really came from a long way from my dark haunting past until today when I can accept myself. Maybe because I had found a place where I can express my feelings and thoughts without worrying how others perceived of me. (and also some people who give me moral support and encouragement) Unlike the past, I only received nothing more than mocking and disregards.

I realised that I always want to find someone whom I can share unreservedly, but I can't. At least, writing a blog diary healed me greatly.

“The Universe always provides you with exactly what you need. The packaging might not be exactly what you want, but the gift is always needed.”

To be healthy, people need to have a safe place to talk about their emotions. (I believe the need of Unconditional positive regard.) But many people worried that other people will misunderstand them and judge them, which is why I am unable to open up. At least, nature and blog give me a personal space to lend a shoulder or even 'greeting me with a smile'.

Thanks Mother Nature for ‘smiling’. You are always there for me and others.
By the way, I have to thank some of my royal readers quietly reading my blog posts. I am truly appreciated and grateful to you.


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