Sunday, January 7, 2018

Swimming - Katong Swimming Complex

Hi Blog,

I had some time today before meeting my mother and her friends for her birthday treat from my brother in Bugis. My meeting in Aljunied had also ended so I decided to go for a short swim at Katong Swimming Complex nearby.

Katong Swimming Complex
Katong Swimming Complex is one of the Oldest swimming pools in Singapore and is still well preserved. You can read more of it here and here. It is a Good Read :) I have always loved old swimming pools compared to those new ones like Nthe ew Bedok Swimming Pool (post)... it is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT FEELING!

You can't find such a classic and nostalgic feeling anymore.
Entrance - interesting floor tiles
Overview of the complex
Ahhh... Clean and quiet toilet. I love the material they used for benches and sinks. Check out those tiles! Classic! Love those tiles!
Wah! The pool was surrounded by tall walls, we had to climb down from the railing to get into the water; I doubt the lifeguard would allow you to jump into the pool. I simply love the openness of the swimming pool which allows you to see the sun!
Errr... where was the sun...
Let go and swim! Pardon me for my FATness and I know it is awful.
It seemed like the sky was moody... Luckily I had completed my ten-lap swim.
Open space
Let me show you something interesting below. (pun not intended)
They have these beautifully sculpted water fountains!
And these creative wall tiles. Amazing! I wanted to take some more pictures but... you know how uncomfortable others can get when there is a fat guy in the trunk taking pictures...
In fact, I had some time left - I could go for a swim but I preferred to sky-tanning. LOL!
Okay! I can't tan anymore... Mosquitoes' Love Bites were coming! I can feel their stings.
Quickly dressed up and combed my hhairin the empty toilet. Great feeling when no one is around.
And on my way to meet my Mother and her friends.
It was a short trip to visit Katong Swimming Complex, I would like to visit this pool again and take fewer pictures next time.


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