Monday, January 29, 2018

Personal - My Past Nep Collection

Hi Blog,

Getting Nepenthes (Asian Pitcher Plant) is due to I failed to grow Dionaea Muscipula (Venus FlyTrap). Collecting Nep is because of it's unique peristome (layman term: it's lip/mouth of it's pitcher) That's why when you check on the pictures of nep online, you will tend to see many people took pictures of it's peristome. The more defined it's teeth showed or colourful it is, the more popular,costly and be treasured. You can google these well-known nep "Nep Hamata or Edwardsiana or Veitchii or Lowii or lowii-cross", just look at the pictures and tell me how you feel about it.

Nep Alata-striped x Truncata
One of my favourite hybrid which grew beautiful pitchers for months... unknown reason it just wilt and died despite of constant watering...
Nep Ampullaria
People said Nep Ampullaria is the easy nep to have, I will tell them to their face... NO THEY ARE NOT! Look how small the pitcher last grew! You can easily blame my growing condition but they aren't cheap to buy...
Nep Bicalcarata
Another which people claimed easy lowlander to grow. May I point them middle finger? It is NOT cheap to get too! It just doesn't pitcher and after a few months bye bye...
Nep Campanulata
What more do I have to say... I wish I can grow this... Can anyone proof me wrong?
Nep Gracilis
One of the easy nep, but... mine just grow vines without pitchering until my mother was trying to be helpful and cut its dried-looking vines.. Such easy nep to take care and I can't get it to pitcher. That was disappointing...
Nep Lowii x Campanulata
One of my favourite and hopeful hybrid which pitchered for months and then... gave up on me...
Nep Lowii x Truncata
This was one of my favourite and most expensive cross that I had even purchased. I thought I can grow it well here... Hahahah... What you are looking at, were pictures after potted; after that... You know the outcome... My $150 flashed away!
Nep (Lowii x Veitchii) x Boschiana
With Lowlander cross, this one should be able to take our warm condition and Yup! You got it! NOPE!
Nep Maxima x Trusmadiensis
Just like the Lowii x Truncata, I was just dreaming. Really day dreaming...
Nep Miranda
My first nep that I ever got. I really like how well it grew in the beginning then followed by growing more leaves and vines like normal plants than pitchering... Oh well, I can grow this again because I can propagate it. :)
Nep Northiana
Well known for the most cranky nep. With crankiness and my growing condition - result: RIP after the first pitcher.
Nep (Northiana x Veitchii) x Sibuyanensis
Yeah... One and last pitcher. A few days later... RIP...
Nep Rafflesiana
This one named after Raffles, it has many clones which I can't comprehend than thinking it is just pure squeezing more money from collectors. Such easy lowlander nep to grow, still failed growing for me.
Nep Rafflesiana x Veitchii
Nice cross from both lowlanders should have no problem, right? Just one picture of it. You know the outcome.
Nep Reinwardtiana
Another lowlander which is known to grow easily just gave up with me after weeks of pitcherless stun. I had enough with advices without offer any physical help from people. Quite discouraging.
Nep Sibuyanensis x Hamata
This one was one of the cross which brought storm to Singapore or perhaps all around the world, the seller didn't mix the right hamata cross pollen. Anyway... mine just bye bye.
Nep Sibuyanensis x Truncata
Within the sea of disappointment, there was one which grew wonderful and I felt so happy to see it every time there was a new pitcher! Oh well, our sweet sweet memory... It just inner rot from the stem...
Nep Sibuyanensis x Ventricosa
Nothing much to say, one and only pitcher ever before it died.
Nep (Sibuyanensis x Ventricosa ) x Trusmadiensis
History repeats
Nep Thorelii
One of the only survivor, and now it veins and I propagate until I don't know which is which.  
Nep Thorelii (D) x x Trusmadiensis
When a nep crossed with a highlander, the outcome at my growing area was predictable. How I wished this will grow for me...
Nep Thorelii x Boschiana
Story still the same for crossing two lowlanders. Why? Heaven, why...
Nep ((Thorelii x Rafflesiana) x Thorelii-Red) x Veitchii HL
One of the most complex cross which I thought it will grow. What a joke :D
Nep Thorelii x Truncata
Yup. :) No need to say anymore.
Nep Truncata
One of my favourite species which says grow lowland and produce one of the largest pitcher among all pitcher plants. It also started to produce small pitchers as time went by, then good bye.
Nep Truncata (Red Pasian)
Red Truncata pitcher and it turned black too!
Nep Veitchii Bario - Striped form
This nep was difficult to get and many went through illegal method to get it. Despite of all those hardwork, it died.
Nep Veitchii Bario
As compare to Striped form, this one rather bland but it didn't matter anymore...
Nep Veitchii - Bau Red
Interesting Peristome but uninteresting ending.
Nep Veitchii - Green Bau
Plain green boring and never-last pitcher plant
Nep Veitchii - Golden Peristome
Golden, Sliver or Bronze - same ending.
Nep Veitchii-HL x Maxima (I)
Even this cross can't make it...
Nep Ventrata
Oops! Anyway this cross was known as a weed because it will vine like crazy but for me, it went pitcherless...
Nep Ventricosa (n)
Nice pink pitcher which lasted in memory
Nep Ventricosa x Ampullaria
No luck with Amp and Ventricosa, cross won't help.
Nep Ventricosa x Ephippiata
Both were highlanders and I doubt it can do any help...
Nep Ventricosa x Trusmadiensis
Nice toothy peristome but only for day dreamer
Nep Viking
One of the easy nep to grow. Is it?
Nep x Trichocarpa
crossed with three lowlander species and Good GAME!
Those were imported plants from Australia and now...due to ridiculous increase of tax and certification for plant export, I stopped trying anymore. :) I accepted my defeat and moved on my life.


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