Saturday, January 6, 2018

Food - Ling Zhi Vegetarian 靈芝

Hi Blog,

On 6th Jan was my mother's birthday so my siblings and I decided to organise a dinner treat for my mother and together with my relatives and friends (post). Let me show you around in Ling Zhi Vegetarian (official website) here.

Ling Zhi is a Chinese word for Ganoderma Mushroom.
Right at the entrance of Ling Zhi.
They shared interior space (aesthetic) with the restaurant below.
They had three comfortable circle tables (enclosed) and
A few typical circle tables like this
Typical table setting
They have desserts (free flow)
All kind of sauces for your meal
Dinner Buffet (below)

Beautiful display of all kind of vegetables.
All ingredients were arranged nicely each in a big bowl.
Besides ingredients, you had a few cooked dishes.
You can have free flow Dim Sim!
A Yin-Yang Steamboat pot. They had a few soup options - Tom Yam, Herbal and Ma La
Just poured every gathered ingredient into either of the soup
A plate of ALL Mushrooms
A plate of other ingredients!
Because of my mother's birthday, Ling Zhi Vegetarian gave us eight mini longevity bun for free. :D
Overall: I feel maybe due to space constraint, they don't have enough food/ingredient options for their buffet, plus they are located at one expensive mall, so the price to dine there is rather costly. Well, just treat it once a while.


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