Monday, January 29, 2018

Personal - My Past Carnivorous Plant Collection

Hi Blog,

I happened to scan through my old hard disk and found all my past carnivorous plant pictures. So in this post, I won't go into detail. I will just summarise my whole experience - I grew many, bought many and failed to grow them... eventually painful lesson learned and money went down to drain. What is left behind, is the pictures of my glorious dead carnivorous plants.

My growing area of CP since 2007
I will advise my readers if you are reading it... Don't be like me... Overambitious unless you have a lot of money to waste for trial and error. Even if many claimed it is an easy plant etc etc, but to prevent painful lost, we just have to collect it one by one; keep it small. Hence it is maybe easy for certain people but it will be a different gameplay for individual. Like mine, lack of humidity as I stay at high floor, the condition is windy. Noon time, my place will be SUPER HOT and most of my plants will get scorched by it.

Anyway. Some of the plants did grow well for me for months and some just weeks... but eventually, none of them survived until this date. Honestly, while I was drafting this post... My mood was like stock-market went up and down; it was depressing that I can't take good care of them... It reminded me how lousy I am. Oh well... I just have to accept how a loser I am and move on my life. I shall stop beating myself up and show you my past growlist below.

Based on the number of pictures in the gallery, you can take it as duration of that plant had been with me.



  1. Well this was a good wake up call for me. had bought alot of neps before this and well... I also stay in a high rise so I am kinda worried about the neps in the long term. so far so good but its only been a handful of months

    1. I understand. Sometimes, we just give the best but whether it will grow or not, really depend on the plants and a bit of luck.
      As I always quote: "Hope for the Best and Prepare for the Worst." I hope you can post some of your collection somewhere :) I will love to see it.


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