Thursday, January 4, 2018

App - Bloglovin

Hi Blog,

While I was reading on RSS content and tried out the app, I saw one app which was AMAZING! It was Bloglovin (available in iOS and Android)

After using Newsify app (post link) and compared with Bloglovin app; It was fairly easy to use! It was like an instagram, which you can just follow a blog. Newsify app can add more sites like normal typical website, tumblr and many more, but it can't send notification as well as Bloglovin.

Bloglovin will show which follower was reading your blog. That's a great feed.


Bloglovin was a focus app for blogs. Lets me show you how it works.

First, you will need to sign up.
Just type in my blog URL and search. It will show the search result below, and here is my boring blog. so sad... 0 followers. LOL!
Click on 'Follow'
Allow Notified which is important
Here you have it! Any new post will appear black and any read post will turn grey. Somehow, It can’t show the oldest posts in my blog.
This is how you got the notification.
As I look up, it has notification!

Overall, I was happy to discover so many things along the way. I hope you will like it and add some of your favourite blog on your mobile phone.

By the way, FOLLOW ME! :D


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