Monday, January 22, 2018

Plants - Sundew Jar Update

Hi Blog,

Previously (Post link) I have made a sundew-growing jar to be tested Drosera Burmannii's (link link) hardness. I can't believe it can grow so well in office, low lighting condition. I must say it is one of the EASIEST sundew to start with.

I grow it infront of my desk.
In this short post, I will share with you how hardness this plant is!

Closed jar and no feeding or watering. I am just making a eco-jar for it. How I wish I can remove its condensation on the jar.
It seems like they are adapting very well!
Oops! I didn't rotate my phone! anyway, this is how it looks like from the top (unsealed)
As you can see from this picture, the top two are propagated from leaf (I did the cutting like three months ago til this date) and at the bottom two germinated from seeds (germinated more than a year til this date).
Leaf propagation grows faster than seeds!
Based on this and compare those images in google, I can tell it doesn't have enough light. I am thinking I should bring it back home and grow them under LED light? Hmmm... Maybe I will, when the time is ripe.
I will continue to propagate it (just cut it's leave and drip into the water for two weeks) and see how long this sundew jar can last.
If anyone is reading this, feel that I should grow them under better lighting, drop me a comment :) I will change accordingly. If not, I will just leave it as it is.


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