Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Product - Be Tron Again

Hi Blog,

This evening I wanted to go for a short jog but it was raining heavily... oh well... I shall spend some time to fix one of the problem I had in my TronSpidery (post) which was the shoes inside the costume, I can't sleeve my fat feet into the shoes, so...

This part of the shoes were HELL and I decided to...
Cut it away
I hope my fat feet can sleeve in.
And I felt why not I dressed up :D
Much better now, but I still can't sleeve my feet into the shoes... but at least, my feet won't need to feel that sharp bump of the shoes.
Pose, Posed, Posing! I love Tron a lot!
How I wish I really have those ripping abs. LOL! Dreaming...
I decided to be adventurous a bit, and stepped out from my house to take pictures outside.
I had to be caution and sensitive towards my surrounding. LOL
Honestly, I felt proud of myself in this costume because I looked great! It gave me a sense of confidence with myself!
My neighbors stepped out from their house, I quickly entered my house quietly. Hahaha... Thanks goodness.

Maybe once my identify disc arrived, I will pose again during midnight.


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