Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Personal - Random January

Hi Blog,

Having Overview and Random post, really helped me to maintain the content and detail on this blog. Hope my readers will like it too. I will continue to make a random post monthly and overview post too. Do give me some feedback if possible.
1st Jan 2018 - Rather than resting during the holiday, I decided to organise a sports day for the youths and teens so that they can bond together; even though I don't know how to play any basketball, but I felt happy. :) Thanks SJ for helping to become our sport ambassador. :) More to come!
3rd Jan 2018 - New year, I decided to balance my PS4 gameplay with Maplestory. :) One week for PS4 then next will be Maple; have to divide my love to my only two entertainments.
7th Jan 2018 - My Brother decided to give a bday treat our Mother's friends.
8th Jan 2018 - Super random shot which I don't know why I took this pic. LOL, maybe because no one around so I can take pic alone.
14th Jan 2018 - Due to Singapore constant-raining for four days, I spent my weekend on food, games and hibernation...
17th Jan 2018 - Made some improvement with my new growing area. It seemed like I didn't do a good job with it. I might have to find more of it. Don't know why I have a Strong feeling of confidence that this VFT will grow well for me.
18th Jan 2018 - Wearing a new trunk which meant to end my collection, then I realised that I have three more I have not updated my collection yet... I am thinking of selling away some of them or treat those as my undies... What should I do?
20th Jan 2018 - It had been three months plus that I have not visited Bishan Swimmming Pool... well... I think I know the reasons why I didn't come back besides busy schedule... too crowded.
20th Jan 2018 - Thanks XR for inviting me to accompany XY's siblings and also understand how Playnation operates during it's normal days. It seems like I am stupid to throw away on the vouchers...
21st Jan 2018 - Wanted to go for a short jog near my brother's house but rain decided to wash the ground during that moment. Quite tied down by the weather.
23rd Jan 2018 - Get ready for jogging with my childhood bro. Without him, I won't have the drive to jog. I guess having a buddy to do an activity together is such encouraging.
30th Jan 2018 - Wanted to go for my usual slow jog but my mother needed my help at NTUC, I just jogged less than 2km to accompany her in my suit.

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