Monday, January 29, 2018

Personal - My Past VFT Collection

Hi Blog,

Here is about my Venus Flytrap (Dionaea Muscipula) past collection. Previously I tried to grow them under light setting (below), they grew well for me for some months after that, all just died off...

I think the reason why they died - highly possible was they can't take our heat well.
Despite of install a cooling fan to cool them, they still said farewell to me... oh well... at least I still keep some of my dead VFT photos.

Here are my past collection of VFT. Take note of the names of certain cultivars, to be honest... I don't even know how they got the names... Some are unregistered cultivar and some registered. Basically, there is only one type of VFT specie but sometimes there is a chance which VFT will display certain noticeable unique character and tends to grow on its way like producing long and big trap, or different trap teeth, or even mutation.

This is a typical form of VFT.
Then it will be registered with a cultivar name (side note: it cannot be reproduced from seeds but only through leaf propagation. You can click on this link link to view the registered cultivars.) But there are some people just named their VFT with some fancy cultivar names (unregistered) then sold them to the market and earned quick money from crazy collectors like us.

VFT 'Akai Ryu'
One of the unique VFT which is in red form than green.
VFT 'Big Mouth'
To me... It is just a TYPICAL VFT!
VFT 'Big Vigorous'
Another fancy name to claim it will produce big trap. It seemed like it does.
VFT 'Bristle Tooth'
Look at the teeth on the trap - fine and nice.
VFT 'Creeping Death'
I have to share something about this cultivar. It was belong to Phil Gold and I got a lot of them from him. Because this cultivar (unregistered) tends to grow big traps and has long erected leaf.
I got many seeds from him.
Happily growing them. They were my proudest collection...
Can you imagine this size of 'Creeping Death' is just six months! LOVE it so much!
VFT 'Creeping Death' - it will be my wish to grow this again.
VFT 'Cross Tooth'
Quite unique leave and will fuse its teeth.
VFT 'Cudo'
One of the mutated VFT - small and expensive...
VFT 'Cupped Trap'
Unique cupped trap. Awesome form.
VFT 'Dentate'
Instead of fine trap, this one has short tooth like bear trap.
VFT 'Dutch'
Another typical VFT which has given a fancy name and can't tell any different.
VFT 'Fang'
another fancy name for typical...
VFT 'Fast'
What a sucker I am...
VFT 'Fine Tooth x Red'
They claimed they have a fine teeth and cross-pollinated with red cultivar. hmmm... Rubbish...
VFT 'Fused Tooth'
ONe of my favourite VFT cultivar - It fused it's teeth together at certain period.
Just look how interesting it can get for every new trap grows.
VFT 'Goldenstrike'
Gold strike for the stupid scammer to scam our money...
VFT 'Knuckle Duster'
that seller claimed that this unregistered cultivar has bulging tooth along it's teeth like wearing a knuckle. Just typical...
VFT 'Low Giant'
VFT 'Paradise'
Paradise for the seller making big money from this.
VFT 'Pink Venus'
Oh man... It is just like Akai Ryu' Where is the pink?
VFT 'Red Long Finger'
Many names and can't tell any different from 'cross tooth'
VFT 'Red Piranha'
Beautiful cultivar - red and short teeth!
VFT 'Royal Red'
Red beautiful cultivar and tends to grow erect leaves.
VFT 'Sawtooth'
CHeck out it's tooth. This is unique.
VFT 'Shark Teeth'
Beautiful! The VFT 'Dentate' should be 'Shark Teeth'
VFT 'South West Giant'
Grow like 'Creeping Death' but too bad, I can't see it's full potential.
VFT 'Spider'
Grows long leaves
VFT 'Typical'
Normal standard VFT form.
All those VFT you saw, all gone...

How I wish there isn't any challenge of growing them locally...


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