Monday, January 29, 2018

Personal - My Past Other CP Collection

Hi Blog,

Beside VFT and Nep, I also tried other Carnivorous Plants like Sarracenia, Pinguicula and Drosera. I was immune by the outcome.

Growing Sarracenia (America Pitcher Plants) actually quite fun but... they are seasonal plants like VFT.
Let's browse through my past collection.

Sarracenia (America Pitcher Plant)

I can't remember Sarracenia names that well because they cross-pollinated too many times.

Sarrancenia unknown
I just grew them together, and I love the colour they display.
My Sarracenia mixed
Sarracencia Purpurea
One of the easy growing sarracenia. I think I will get this again. :)
Pinguicula (Butterwort)

Pinguicula is actually an easy CP to grow as long as they can resist heat well. I will try it again. Same thing I can't remember it's name.

We can get this decent size of Ping from our local nursery.
Close-up shot of Ping sticky leaf - like drosera
Ping flowered easily.
Phil Gold sent me some pings for my collection and I can't remember their names.
Random Pings
P_Agnata (top left),  P_Esseriana (top right),
P_Laueana (bottom left), P_Rotundiflora (bottom right)
Drosera (Sundew)

pygmy Drosera
One of the rare drosera which is difficult to get locally or reproduce too
That's all I had collected in the past and they made my hobby excited and I learned a lot from them. Well... I will say if I am given a chance and loaded, I will want to try again.


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