Monday, January 8, 2018

Plants - Kick-start for Growing VFT

Hi Blog,

It was a short post, just to share of my revival of my old hobby of growing Venus Flytraps. In the past, I failed to grow them and wasted a lot of money on it... (trying to grow them from seeds recently but failed...) I will share the happening in another post (link)

I got light setup and plants from D
What I had observed from D's VFT sale, growing method and successful VFT growing rate, gave me some confident to give me a last try.

I got this customised LED light from D, he claimed those LED bulbs were the BEST LED to grow VFT. Hmmm... I won't know his secret and just keep it as a mystery since I won;t have the resource to make one of those.
Here were the VFT - even though it was hurting my wallet but I know why I had to pay for such price. I will explain more next time.
Here was my humble setup for my VFT to grow, more to come in future.
If you are interested in reading more of my VFT growth, you can click on the label - Carnivorous Plants below the post.


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