Friday, January 19, 2018

Personal - First Time Applying

Dear Blog,

It will be a short post but today it marked as a big material milestone in my life; a sense of achievement. After working for 12+ years (excluding part-time), I finally made the margin of earning requirements for applying for a credit card.

After careful research online (link), survey and feedback from friends, I decided to get my first credit card from Standard Charter, as seemed rather suit my spending habit (even though other banks will also have more or less to offer) but Standard Charter seems “clean” and decent.

I also heard there is a roadshow for it at Expo, I went down immediately after work, after knowing my online application had been rejected on the same day.
Funny thing was that I just walked past other banks, approached Standard Charter agent, and requested to process the registration for me; he was shocked. LOL!
After I spammed him all my noob questions and worries of owning a credit card. I was glad he tried to educate me on whatever he can patiently. Thanks Eugene (VIII VI 0 VIII IX II VIII VIII) for everything.

DONE and Mailed!
I hoped my application can be approved. Wish me luck.


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